dEb lol I am about and I’m always observing and learning. But, that wasn’t the purpose of writing these comments. My purpose was just to simply shed light on a different perspective, so we as the Unifyd group can spread love verses hate, because we know better. We can all change the world easy by simply sharing our knowledge, focusing on love for the collective, and heal from any past traumas. But, posting things that only favor your viewpoint and beliefs rather than educate is very narrowminded. Degrading others that think differently, and implying that you are further evolved and superior to them, isnt helping the cause it only brews more hate. I enjoy talking to peoples soul rather than the ego.
Cat ✨ Rives
Naples, FL, United States
Stay weird or get weirder .
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Commented on I think I will think for myself and I...
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Replied on Flat Earth slide (3)
Commented on Flat Earth slide (3)
Commented on Accessing Your Multidimensional Self
Replied on Flat Earth slide (3)
Mar 26 at 11:20 PM
dEb You could call it that.✨😌