Cat ✨ Rives

Naples, FL, United States

Stay weird or get weirder .

Mar 26 at 11:20 PM

dEb You could call it that.✨😌

Mar 25 at 12:23 AM

dEb lol I am about and I’m always observing and learning. But, that wasn’t the purpose of writing these comments. My purpose was just to simply shed light on a different perspective, so we as the Unifyd group can spread love verses hate, because we know better. We can all change the world easy by simply sharing our knowledge, focusing on love for the collective, and heal from any past traumas. But, posting things that only favor your viewpoint and beliefs rather than educate is very narrowminded. Degrading others that think differently, and implying that you are further evolved and superior to them, isnt helping the cause it only brews more hate. I enjoy talking to peoples soul rather than the ego.

Mar 24 at 11:45 PM

Beautiful post, and well said. ✨

Mar 24 at 11:39 PM

♥︎999♥︎ also, to set the record straight, I never said anything about you forcing anything on anybody. I just said if they don’t agree with your beliefs You believe they’re less than you and they’re a “globtard” which sounds a lot like offensive term “retard” as you posted. Which could be offensive to some. As if you’re more evolved for believing that the earth is flat. It’s just silly. by all means post your information and inform the public, educate them, let them determine for themselves whether they believe it or not. Just don’t degrade them if they disagree. Nothing about forcing was said.

Mar 24 at 11:29 PM

You didn’t offend me. I was just stating that acceptance of other peoples beliefs is a way to vibrate higher. I don’t know whether the Earth is flat or round because I’ve never personally seen it, and going off of somebody’s word these days is silly. Considering most of what’s spewed to us is mostly fabricated. whether there’s “proof” or not… it’s not part of our programming to ever figure it out, because that’s why we are all stuck in this matrix in the first place. If we were able to figure it out, they wouldn’t have such a huge upper hand on the entire world. All I know is we are all connected and we are all one. With one purpose, which is to love. So globtard, flat earther, transvestite, gay, or straight we’re all human at the end of the day, and we’re in this together. If we can’t respect each other then how do we expect any entity to respect us and take us seriously 😐 they won’t.

Commented on Flat Earth slide (3)

Mar 24 at 05:37 PM

Kind of hard to vibrate high when you’re hating on people that don’t have the same exact views as you.. 😬 with the other post too about the transsexuals. You’re on a roll with offending anybody that doesn’t think like you.. 🙄You should probably rid of all that hate in your life. It’s very toxic to yourself, and deteriorates your own body. Care more about yourself. ✌🏼

Mar 05 at 07:05 AM

I’ll have to watch this several times, it’s very informative. Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge!
