Collective Consciousness

Holbrook, NY, United States

evolving, observing, decoding

Feb 26 at 12:06 PM

I wouldn’t say no one noticed. Some of us have been screaming about it. It’s purposeful. The Darien Gap story broke in early February, but we knew we had migrants coming in from all countries for 3 years, hostile ones. The Chinese camp was new. The numbers are as high as 30 million undocumented migrants currently within the us border… they can not all be plotting against us. There are people entering for the sake of the American dream… however.. how many are not here with pure intentions. These are still human beings. Fellow Earthlings. We are in a situation that is not safe for anyone. Gangs are starting. The government is creating a very impoverished society. We already have an issue. It’s like they are forcing the system to crack. There is so much false information from every side. I follow FACTS.. receipts… show me, don’t tell me… where can l see this. Everyone is so angry and afraid, everyone is ready to believe anything awful, however, this invasion is REAL.

Feb 26 at 03:45 AM

This is great publicity for Obama’s new war thriller….


Feb 26 at 03:34 AM

If you follow Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis, they are re translating the Bible.. Elohim.. means powerful ones, it talks about a sky council… it’s interesting putting things together


Feb 26 at 03:29 AM

Nothing sounds strange anymore. lol… l am going over the pyramid code AGAIN.. the book… 5th time.. listening to the audio… in the middle It says the original divine race was 90% spiritual… pre adomite… but then another race mated with man.. ( not the phatisol ) not aliens.. other humans… so.. who are they? There are 2 different humans, or 2 different species on the planet and they mate.. that’s the answer and question.. later, the aliens come down and mate with the human women. So something corrupted the original divine human.. through mating. So this is like a virus.. a spiritual herpes, that depletes you of your spirit… it’s giving us amnesia.. this is sounding as convoluted as the religious jargon. Why are we being strung along if not for something’s or someone’s amusement.. they already know their information, this is starting to feel like one big commercial for the next big revelation or event.. lf this is our history, what’s with the gate keeping?

Feb 26 at 02:40 AM

Ok… let’s look at what you’re saying… on the surface, that’s what it sounded like, but, we binged it.. and we always do, so we do not forget how anything is said. If the beings were high vibrational, and so much higher than “man” why does man’s percentage of spiritual vs material flip? Man should not drop to 10% from 90%… man mated with a higher being… this is definitely not being explained clearly…

Feb 26 at 02:31 AM

No… that’s not what Ray keeps saying… we just played EVERYTHING BACK twice…both disclosure and pyramid code… all of them. he says more than once in the series, that MAN STARTS OFF 90% spiritual, 10% material.. he eludes to something corrupting the humans, through the females…. In pyramid code 3 he states it again… then he says the aliens are 90% spiritual and 10% material… he also says that he doesn’t believe the issue is having sex with the humans, it’s the aliens, who integrated losing their spirituality…. The funny thing is… all the texts say the sons of god taught the daughters, magic, and astrology, root cuttings ( medicine) and on and on.. and they were all punished… that’s from texts, not Ray.. so we know women were taught spirituality… the celts had the information.. all the religions that worship pagan religions are those religions.. they are spiritually based.. so, something doesn’t add up. Trust me on this one. There is A LOT LEFT BEING UNSAID

Feb 26 at 01:57 AM

This may not make me popular in this thread, but the hospital saved my son. People asked me years later when he had complications why l didn’t sue. The doctor literally saved his life. Not every doctor is a villain. There needs to be balance in all things.
