charles lumkile komanisi

Jul 18 at 12:26 AM

Creation was never limited my beautiful brother matthew.the only done2us(humanity)is we were lied2@school&now those of us who have been in watch of the earthly affairs with inside info we are now allowed2share more info&the plane we live in is flat&the majority of the outer body of earth is a sphere&TLS HAS TECH2GO BEYOND&cabal only orbits at low hermispheres coz they dont have tech2cross the firmament&Matthew please overstand the fact that we are sorrounded by a giant ice wall called antartica&maybe when RAY says earth is round or flat earth is wrong is that RAY TRAVELLED BEYOND THE FIRMAMENT&HE SEEN THE SPHERICAL VIEW OF EARTH

Jul 18 at 12:18 AM

Pyramid code1&2TLS DISCLOSURE1&2

Commented on Let's Connect!

Jul 18 at 12:16 AM

My name is charles komanisi i am from south africa cape town in gugulethu township

Jun 27 at 10:07 AM

My beatiful sister jada if you can listen2what BIG BROTHER RAY he tells us basically we are ones who idolised warfare/slavery coz remember when fatasol fell those who had knowledge with evil intent were the ones who used these teachings in a way2rule by enslaving people.ANUNNAKI fell from grace by cohabiting with our females&murdering man as they forcefully took our ladies away&when we succumbed2their(nephs)dark rule man became subservient2their cause&thats the other way we find tyrants/dictators.3scenarios would force ET'S2interfere is nuclear warfare/stop manmade disasters that are heavily catastrophic/stop any invasions done by anyone from inside&outside.remember beloved earth is a library&there's no other like this i promise you go2multiverse/universe/omniverse you wont see it&you will only find replicas(parallel'universe)so be aware thats the reason most ET'S are protective of us bcoz we are cousins/brothers&sisters2one another/mothers&fathers2one another&some ET'S are our ancestors so there's much they take care of.the grays are human from parralel universe that is ahead of us in time&they suffered nuclear war effects from draco'reptilian wars&they lost their biology(reproductive/digestive'system)&they ended up engineering their species in order2be alive&they time travelled2our universe2find a solution by seeding the dna in some of us&they also created a hybrid race with us(greys&human)and the new species is called essessani/sessani&theres a beautiful brother who channels one of essessani children of ours.the channel is darryl anka&the ET is bashar if you can listen to darryl your questions will answered my dear beloved&by the way you need2be aware as well of the fact grays are the probable race that will create dajjal/anti'christ coz they have technology2do that&please don't fear anything coz everything us taken care of even what you havent thought of yet has been taken care of

Jun 27 at 09:41 AM

Beloved brothers&sisters if we have known that most of the time when we meet ET'S without knowing(unconsciously)you might feel abit awkward/scared/haunted due2the fact that you dont remember your soul deal/memories coded(hidden)&when you activities around ET'S it will look evil/devilish/satanic due2the fact that you bleeped(forgot)the reason behind this experience&we have2remember evil ones have a mindset that thinks they're doing good&they see good people as evil ones because in their belief lies a poisonous snake like egomaniacal tendency of focusing on self without thinking of others&when man falls in that trap basically what happens is he/she loses power of discernment/empathy/sympathy/love/vision&the darkside will eventually keep hold of that person for perpetuity if that is the lets be mindful of what we say/do/think&bring into our ears coz the evil one uses these basic technologies2infiltrate us.all in all i am saying lets stay on guard/post4the time has come2bring heaven2earth&2day our sun has graduated into be a star&isnt that wonderful2see due2the fact we used2see stars from billion miles away(nasarism)&now it takes place in front of our faces&many keep outsourcing their power away&glirifying cern by saying this is a simulator&they4get law of what happens above so as below up there is scorching hot&look@whats going on with sea life(sharknados&whalenados&maybe devilnado is on the way)we better buckle up&other brothers in cape town normally ask me how do I buckle up while they show me their belts&i say the ARMOUR OF GOD(YOUR TRUE TRUTH)&they be like this guy must be on something we dont know of coz he keeps smoking ganja around us but now it looks like he hit a highest rev on his ferrari coz he says things thats eye popping not eye opening&I'll be like this is nothing new yiu know this but you forgot


Jun 26 at 10:55 AM

My beloved brother matt please understand JASON is spokeperson4TLS&jason will never do things on his own while working4 our organisation(TLS)the reason jason isnt coming out with that info is bcoz others already cameout with it&he doesnt need2much attention2him&45.the organisation also has duties2fulfill example safety of humanity/safety4jason etc&when you listen2RAY he rarely divulges more than he can coz as we are not fully aware of thi gs going on around us telling us certain things will jeopardise lives of innocent bystanders so my brother we have2think as agent of TLS&if we can read between the lines when RAY speaks youll find that RAY says alot without us knowing bcoz we expect him2say things the way we want him2but as an agent he has ways of coding his message&those with ears will hear the message&those with eyes will see but those without eyes/ears wont witness anything.thank you my brother may the peace&blessings of the creator be with you


Jun 26 at 10:30 AM

What is an alien?2me alien is something i have no idea of&ET'S aren't alien if i may say coz we suffer from amnesia due2lost memories of our galactic self&this idea of who is evil/bad isnt ok bcoz in our own spaces we find were are not as holy as we might point is beloved sisters&brothers when you meet ET'S without comprehensive knowledge of what you're dealing with you will obviously feel as victim&see the experience as an unpleasant ordeal while in my case i never got scared when i met ET'S in south africa when i was a young baby/toddler/childhood coz i knew that i know them from somewhere but i could remember where is that place i know them from but it was pleasant2have them with me&when they appeared without me knowing i would get a fright coz i wasnt expecting them&other times i would see goblins coming from neighbours houses&they were evil coz they were so dirty&stank of something that never washed its body&yes if you can use power of discernment you will see that ETS are no danger2us unlike those creatures that look like et's but are not which are used by evil people4witchcraft purposes&what makes us(human)fooled by1%is bcoz they know we never saw aliens physically&plus programming no wonder when people see creatures as ugly looking as obama /kardashians/bill'gates/musk&brandon)they say its an et but when we meet an authentic ET we go by without even noticing who we just met&it is true it is difficult2walk with a man full of wisdom&easy2follow the man without wisdom&become the devils advocate like most people who boast about knowing GOD as if he is saved by that without knowing acts of good&kindness are ones that get you closer2source&when we become aware/admit/accept truth/true nature of self then we are onestep closer2being united in a hive mind of GOD coz by doing this we will move mountains by saying the word move mountain&the mountain will move without resistance coz we will be united with all forces of nature&the devil is busy trying2maintain the balance of forces&if you can check what ive just said in a statement(we will be united with all forces of nature&the devil will be busy trying2maintain balance of power)you will see/perceive your power2destroy babylon this whore full of abominations of many degrees&our galactic family is here2give awareness2humanity so we can shift our mind/dimension of existence&all of this happens by switching your attention away from what bothered/hurt/distabilise/destroyed our beautiful human family&do you know what beloved brothers&sisters in the beginning there was us(angelic'being)&we made a deal with ourselves2act an incarnation cycle series of shows2better equip ourselves by learning more from the disagreeable aspect of our being so we may be masters of the universe&if you dont believe what i say please do justice4self&watch he'man/thundercats cartoo&in these cartoons you will basically get the info im talking about&more coz i used2believe planet lyra was somewhere else&i was wrong BIG BROTHER'RAY TOLD THE TRUTH WHEN SAYIN STARWARS TOOK PLACE HERE&WHAT WE CALL EARTH IS A SMALL FRAGMENT OF THOSE ANCIENT CIVILISATIONS&THIS PLACE USED2BE BIGGER THAN THIS IN TALKING ABOUT LAND MASS NOT THE OCEANS


Jun 22 at 10:39 AM

Jason RAY says there was never a war outside earth&all wars took place question is dies that mean earth is a fragment of lyra&earth used2be10times bigger than it is2day&the other question is does ray know about base9in brazil where the cabal has created more than100different species of dinosaurs is a secret facility while they also genetically created kong&kept him on skull island&also these devils created godzilla&kept him in antartica?the reason i ask jason i stay in cape town south africa&we see the resemblance of things like what im asking of4example the leviathan sea snake was seen by some on the coast&others are afraid2show what they saw during start of april&may&at the sametime theres a war in the heavens that is happening above us&many have no idea whats happening coz they see lightning&they cannot see a ufo war happening

Many of the movies we see on screen arent just movies they are documentaries&the other movie thats highly similar2how TLS works is adjustment bureau&the list above might be influenced by TLS who knows coz4me XMEN is1i resonate with coz i know im a super soldier from pleaides(hashmallim'special'forces)due2the fact astrally I've been to many wars/battles&november2023 there was a mission codenamed red dragon where i was sent2capture a tail of a red dragon in a planet thats unfamiliar2me&i was sent2mission with another guy&we were genetically enhanced75%coz we could run faster than flash if you catch my drift,we had what is called superpowers in sight/hearing/smell&we could also manoeuvre in harsh terrain like mountain areas without being affected by cold or heat/gravity was like a toy2play with&if we can remember our dreams as young ones fron1years to7years then you'll see your true self/power&beyond7years you are shown which ways2take&we chose the one were in2day&its no coincidence we have unifydtv&we chat2each other like this coz divinely speaking we are being united by a power that is the source itself&we must recognize the pattern the universe plays in our midst coz the true reality lies there&we need2be authoritative about our awakening so we may have a much stronger foundation in establishing heaven on earth coz cabal has no reason2let go&let me not stray away from topic these movies have gold nuggets in them in a way that when you watch them you get triggered/activated&do you know why beloved that reaction is happening?its bcoz your higherself is waking you up2the fact that you have anility2do those extraordinary things&also it reminds us of what we knew before we were hit on the head with a rock by psychopaths&THE GOOD SAMARITAN(TLS/HASMALLIM/ACTURIAN'KNIGHTS/ANDROMEDA'TEMPLARS&ETC)CAME OUR WAY TO HEAL OUR WOUNDS/CARE FOR US AS WE NEED SUSTENANCE/CLOTHED US IN MIGHTY ARMOUR OF CREATOR GOD ALMIGHTY so now lets be operative by doing our part coz nothing will be done4us while everything needs us2solve things coz we are earthlings&no1outside of earth is here2babysit us in the mess we find ourselves in&the only way is2wakeup/standup&do what needs2be done.I LOVE YOU ALL MY BELOVED BROTHERS&SISTERS LETS KEEP VIBRATING HIGHER&1OF THESE DAYS WE GONNA FIND OURSELVES IN HEAVEN ON EARTH WITHOUT KNOWING WHEN DID WE ARRIVE COZ WE/GOD DO THINGS&WE AMAZE OURSELVES&THINK THE MIRACLE WAS MYSTERIOUS BUT NO THERE IS NOTHING MYSTERIOUS IF YOUVE GOT COMPREHENSIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS


I believe i came from lyra&plaeides because at1&half years old i had visions/dreams of me living in a golden city with trees so high they reached beyond the clouds&GOD knows how far thise trees went coz beloved they streched till you dont see whats on top of it&the tree of life was there&i also lived in a city made of crystals which looked green/clear crystals like when you see the bridge in movie thor where theres a watcher(idris'alba)keeping guard of entries/exits in the realm this crystal city had a same look&feel as what you see in thor&the other thing there was a beautiful girl i grew with in these places&shes the1who took me on vacation2these places&now i ask myself is she my daughter who was not able2live with me hear on earth under the space programs we belong2/is she me in another reality or is she my guidance because ever since i reached7years i stopped dreaming in those places&i began seeing myself as warrior&as im41years old i now discovered that im a super soldier&i dont know whether im hashmallim from taygeta/acturian knights/andromeda templars i dont know which1is mine&when i look at TLS i find theres something about them which make me think i might have had relations with some of their work members