Normally when I was1to3years old I always traveled to a world that has streets of gold&there was a beautiful girl that I was with&she would take me2a city made of crystals but the intriguing part is I don't know who she is but I sense she might be my higher'self/ancestor/star'family'member&she is super nice&she speaks in a way if you were in a panic you will be calmed by her voice&now that I've grown up I see myself in world's that are foreign in such a way1of them looked like a semi desert&I was with my unit of super'soldiers&we were up against creatures that look like man but with vampire like abilities/speed&we fought them in a way Ive never seen before coz the battle field stretched till200km's if I'm not mistaken&I lost beautiful good'friends&the nice part of it is that we were organically enhanced(75%)&we had abilities to self generate our bodies coz our self generating abilities were like ones that Simeon Toko had&most of the time when I wake up from these dreams I would find scratches on my body&arms&some translated that as being fighting the devil against his plan of abducting me&I say2myself how low humans think coz they are not taught about heavenly things&whenever they encounter things they can't fathom automatically they think that is of the devil&they seldomly think anything is from GOD coz they can't perceive the good out of bad experience&many humans have no idea how powerful we can become if we can embrace our uniqueness coz that's were our abilities I've grownup I don't go2were I was when I was1years till3&at4years till7i had dreams of me having a life with ET'S(acturians,sirians,lyrans&others I don't know of&2day I normally see myself as a super'soldier coz there's a pattern I see as you are growing up you will not go back to were you began coz at2years I found out those memories are my origins story&dreams from 7till adulthood were all about my life purpose&now my dreams are about my deployment2missionary work&how I can unite my past life memories with my current life I'm living coz there is this thing called unity of divine'will& my will as humans&we find that balance we would energetically balanced meaning as a man you will be51%masculine&49%feminine&don't me wrong my beautiful brothers&sisters in not talking about homosexuality/lesbianism no I'm talking about the balancing of human energies,all in all I know coz I hate to believe coz believing means following someone else's story&how about knowing your own story in its unique way coz when you know you will never be deceived coz the power of discernment/perception/sight/hearing will automatically be enhanced coz you will be able2tune in on anyone who is deceptful
charles lumkile komanisi
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Sep 11 at 03:13 AM
Mine started in2011when I saw minister'farrakhan talking about the origins of the white men&that's when my curiosity was picked&that led2zeigest&the arrivals&then I discovered ET content&then I met BIG'BROTHER'RAY&now I know that RAY&RABBi'AA helped me find my ability2be telepathic coz I saw RABBI&RAY the other day&RABBi told me not to panic I'm on a right path&he also said I should never doubt myself