charles lumkile komanisi

May 11 at 12:57 PM

Excerpts of this book have been released to the public without the codes&as4the time frame of releasing the whole documents with codes is gonna take place when a shift in consciousness had occurred&when the shift happens many of us(humanity)will live in harmony&peace&the codes would be released&thats the time when the codes would be able2assist us spiritually coz there won't be evil surviving in our midst

May 11 at 12:47 PM

Exactly what i tried2convey2many humans but many of us want2be recruited physically without knowing they're already with TLS/HASHMALLIM SPECIAL'FORCES/ACTURIAN'KNIGHTS&OTHER TEMPLARS FRON THE UNIVERSE&my dear beloved brothers&sisters do not be worried about being TLS'MEMBERS coz by doing good&striving2do good you are already in the frequency of TLS&OTHERS


Apr 27 at 11:48 AM

Nautical the other thing device we can use is power of imagination/thought&dreams then you gonna see whatever you want2see in life&please understand TLS will only goes as far as1km in terms of giving info bcoz somewhere somehow humanity needs to play their part in seeking/finding/standing in the TRUTH&the other sad part is that we have to go through a process whether hitler comes by with sleepy joe as his best friend&.maybe that will be the end of sleepy joes jibberish,not so smart/demented cabal


Apr 27 at 11:42 AM

Nautical what you just said speaks to me bcoz whenever i speak of spirituality many fight with me verbally&some go as far as physically assualting me without me offending them.the most intriguing thing about this is when i speak with like minded people they tend to listen&start coming up with their sides of the story&when we join our experiences we find that our lives are live building blocks/pieces of a puzzle i dont get how connected it is&recently as i have been watching pyramid code over&over i think i saw our BIG BROTHER RAYS FACE&i cannot figure out how i did that while RAY is hiding himself on camera but all the time i get full picture of HIS FACE and something funny happens during this experience when i see HIS FACE i get shocked&when i try2look again HIS FACE would not appear again&i remember a spiritual person saying today we are joining dimensions so you might see stuff&wont know how it happend but its all connected to energies&frequencies that we vibrate on


Commented on Royal Reptilians?

Apr 27 at 11:28 AM

Yes this is what these devils have been doing&theyre using the technology used by pharoahs to self generate them lizzieselves


Apr 27 at 11:27 AM

My beautiful brother nautical TLS has already done what you asking for(adjustment'bureau,doctor'strange&other universal based movies).TLS in reality do have stations(spaceships)4mission&surveillance purposes&brother nautical please be mindful our BIG'SISTERS&BROTHERS AT TLS are up against an adversary that is so vicious&relentless on doing harm2humanity so4TLS2expose themselves&their crafts is a BIG FAT NO&the organisation do go2parallel universes&other unknown continents beyond the icewall if you catch my drift&if you heard BROTHER'RAY ON PYRAMID CODE4he said at between mid/end of2025theres can be a potential first extraterrestrial contact i mean physical contact so my brother dont be angry at TLS bcoz all they are doing is4the best of humanity&the sad part is that we dont know why they operate they do but what i love about TLS is that they want us to be free from devils by giving us freewill&the law of the cosmos stands(NEVER INTERFERE WITH ANOTHER CIVILISATIONS PROCESS OF EVOLUTION


I would do whatever needs to be done as long as i would be helping out especially the children because they are not aware/consciously prepared4what they gonna deal with

I would like2say theres2much secrets we dont know about new york


Mar 29 at 08:00 AM

My beautiful sister the source knows what is happening is the divine purpose although we(mortals)cant fathom the depth of having comprehensive knowledge of things&what we see as evil has a divine purpose though the act of evil is not related to source but this whole scenario needs us to be able to read between the lines when someone speaks/shares info coz thats where the secret lies&by the way audrey its not ideal2share highly sensitive info2people who arent rwady4it coz it can create a very unsettling scene so im scared to say alot to you my beautiful sister bcoz some will say im mad/lost it/liar/bigot due to the fact that what i happen to know isnt known by many&the many is still fast asleep2the babylonian way of life which is luved today&my sister o would like to advice you2get a book called conversation with god then you might get innerstanding on what youre interested to know

Mar 25 at 07:37 AM

The creator will never do that given that SHE(1st'self)gave us HIS(2nd'self)will to live by&when we mess things up we the 1s who have2pickup pieces&mend the broken item coz GOD had nothing2do with what we do on our own will.the evil we see is made possible by our collective consciousness that is trapped in3d consciousness&the only way out is2awaken the huddled masses&the AGE OF LIGHT IS UPON US so lets use this opportunity to its fullest by telling truth ad it is.on the other hand evil doers are teachings us the thing we should do because if there was no evil on earth GOOD WOULD NEVER BE KNOWN BY US VCOZ THE WOULD BE NOTHING TO SHOW ANOTHER WAY OF LIVING SO EVIL MIGHT NOT BE THE CREATORS CHOICE OF DOING BUT ITS CONNECTED TO SOURCE COZ WITHOUT EVIL SOURCE COULDNT ECPERIENCE LIFE THROUGH US FULLY.the body does expire&consciousness moves on bcoz its universal(mind)&dejavu is when your soul shows you that you went through a similar experience in your past life/another timeline
