Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.


Sep 02 at 09:05 PM


Bill Gates tells you their evil plan to depopulate using 3 of the most obvious ways.



Aug 03 at 03:22 PM

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I am not fully aware yet of the accuracy of this video but it is absolutely disgusting and made my stomach turn so take caution if your sensitive to this type of content. These pyschos are trying to destroy our human dna by creating hybrids like animal and human hybrids as well as frog human hybrids.



Aug 03 at 05:38 AM

FLASHBACK 2020 - D U M Bs Deep Underground Military Bases Underground War, THE INVISIBLE WAR
This video gives details about the advanced train system in the tunnels like Ray told Jason about plus alot of other details involving this ongoing silent war.


Jun 02 at 07:22 AM

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Be aware of this mysterious app PRIVATE COMPUTE SERVICES. It has out of nowhere popped up on my phone. The name is sketchy. Come on, PRIVATE COMPUTE SERVICES. It will not uninstall either. I have been having problems where I am not receiving calls and now it's obvious why by reading the others comments. I am sick of this BS. How convenient that THEY pull this rabbit out of the hat, when I have been following the white rabbit?



May 21 at 10:26 AM


May 17 at 02:59 AM

So, are my daughtet and I going completely crazy, or has anyone else experienced the moon being super bright, shaped funny, and seemed like it was slightly wiggling? I recorded it tonight but lol I couldn't keep the camera still so it could be easily seen.



May 16 at 07:12 PM

So all these eerie postcards were made in the 1800s. It's like someone was trying to tell us about something already happening or something to come.
Just like now everything is right in our face about the children who are literally living in a daily hell on earth.

Repopulation Postcards CABBAGE PATCH KIDS 1800s Cloning Babylon Babies https://rumble.com/v48wvli-repopulation-postcards-cabbage-patch-kids-1800s-cloning-babylon-babies.html


May 13 at 10:25 AM

I have learned a great deal of disturbing information these last few days about the true extent of the evil being done under our noses. I have listened and watched content from child trafficking survivor and a channel on rumble that exposes the true evil going on all around us. I am in tears and am lost for words. I knew it was happening but I never knew it was to this extent. We have got to stand up and help bring this to awareness and put an end to it. This is very serious. Check out these links. This is all very graphic but I trust that this platform is a safe means to bringing this to awareness. https://www.allysarmy.com/ and https://rumble.com/v48zo56-just-the-tip-part-1.html.. The first link is a child trafficking survivor who is trying to bring awareness and she knows the whole scoop and mentions several big names we all know. The 2nd link is mentioning to true nature of how things really are. From Epstein and a so called unknown island called TerraMar to Hollywood elites and adrenochrome Satanic Ritual Abuse minf control mk ultra and baby farming. There are 3 parts to the Just the Tip series. I only watched the 1st one so far. I can't handle anymore today. Please find it in your hearts to check this out cause we must do something for the children. Stay blessed!


Apr 08 at 01:29 PM

Last night I dreamed in a full color dream that was amazing. My daughter and I were standing on a huge mountain with a beautiful waterfall. I looked in the sky and noticed there wasn't a cloud in sight and then I noticed we were able to look directly at the sun without it hurting your eyes then I look a little to the right if the sun and the moon was sitting at the same height with a pale shade of blue. I told my daughter " oh look at the sky" we just looked in amazement. That was it lol. It was beautiful .


Apr 08 at 12:33 PM

I just seen a link to join Damien for ECLIPSE meditation today. Here's the link for anyone who may want to join.