Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.

Sep 03 at 06:34 PM

Benita thanks


Sep 03 at 12:19 PM

Map, playfulness, Roy, Go, Nun


Seriously though I got Playfulness, Nurturing, Courage


Sep 03 at 12:09 PM

This is the link where I found it at, if you want to see if you can download it from there.



Sep 03 at 12:06 PM

You're most welcome. I knew I would somehow run up on it again. I needed it to also show some people who aren't fully awake yet to get them to realize this is not a conspiracy theory. Like, he said it himself. These are FACTS. The way he just casually mentions depopulation along with the percentage of the reduction of humanity is like wtf dude you do realize you not only said you were gonna kill us but you also told us how you planned on doing it it and by how much. Its almost as if he says it in such a courteous manner to actually make us feel that it was supposed to be beneficial to us.


Aug 22 at 07:17 PM

Pisces here


Aug 05 at 05:26 PM

Derrick Graham Absolutely. I totally agree with your comment. I have just ran into some people that it seems like you gotta get them awake before they will allow themselves to unite with anyone whatsoever.


Aug 03 at 10:56 PM

It was awful.


Aug 03 at 10:48 PM

I normally get on here every single day to read what everyone posts and then I may share 1 or 2 things if I happen to find something that I feel needs to be shared. I can't afford the subscription for the streaming service but I consider everyone on this platform to be my spiritual/soul family so for me this platform is all about connecting to you all. I do believe that together as one we can stand strong against the evil but at this point I believe the focus should be on waking up more people. With everyone awake, the evil people and things in the world will flee because evil don't stand a chance when all of God's children are standing together.


Aug 02 at 05:36 PM

Shannon Hess actually no I haven't been able to. Times are tough right now. May God bless you! That would be such a blessing. I am not one to ask for help even when I am in desperate need. I am stubborn I guess or just modest. If you have one though that you don't need cause I don't want to put no one out ya know. When I get my job back I would gladly pay you for it even.


Aug 02 at 08:05 AM

I am truly sorry that you are going through that. Stay covered in prayer and I will be sure to prayer for you and then also the children because it breaks my heart at the amount of sickness and evil in this world especially against our children which ar we our future and they are so innocent and I literally cry my eyes out sometimes just thinking of what the daily horror is like for them. We need to start protesting all around the world about the children. The way things are in the world is the very reason that I am completely terrified to send my daughter to the local school and I have had her in virtual school since kindergarten and she starts the 2nd grade today actually. I am ridiculed and talked about so negatively by her dad's family because of my chose to not send her to the local school.