
Lexington, NC, United States

Faith, Hope and Love ❤️

Apr 26 at 10:42 PM

I am so inspired by you! I def need a more structured life like that!

💫Love & Light 💫

Apr 26 at 08:45 PM

I totally agree with you! A lot of us only get a monthly check and to pay the additional two hundred and something the total yearly amount is for annual is ridiculous! Who can afford that? Why not split that up into monthly payments? Or make it a add on to what we pay now. There's several other ways it could be pd but to ask for that full amt at once is crazy! This economy is killing people and we can barely stay fed bc of how much things have went up. We can never seem to unite and stand together for a cause bc we can never afford it! 😢


Apr 26 at 08:35 PM


Absolutely 💯

Apr 26 at 08:22 PM

I agree with you and would like to know that answer too 😁


Apr 26 at 08:19 PM

Idk what to think about this flat earth stuff either. I new nothing of it until someone told me it was in the Bible. I am a believer in God and I am torn about what is real & true facts 😪

Apr 26 at 08:16 PM


Apr 26 at 08:13 PM

I recently saw a video on everything you're talking about and I agree with you as well.


Apr 26 at 08:10 PM

I am a believer in Astrology so therefore I do believe the moon is real also. However, I don't believe in the landing on the moon bc of the evidence I've seen to debunk it. As far as us humans being the cause of the environmental changes no I do not believe that

Apr 25 at 01:48 PM

Wow! Ok. That sounds amazing!

Apr 25 at 01:44 PM

I will! ☺️ 🥰❤️
