
Sydney, Australia

Replied on 💟♌️💟

Jul 25 at 04:31 AM

That’s Awesome 😎 Benita! The key 🔑 I believe to Comphrehend when watching and this kind of stuff is to have an Open Mind. To confine our minds to old beliefs and traditions when basically most of it has been a lie Allows us To become more knowledgeable and it gets you asking the question WHY??? For me personally a lot of what I see here answers questions that I used to ask my mum. I remember being a 7yr old little girl asking who was God? And so much more that this platform for me sounds weird but it was like coming home in a way, being amongst people and listening to Ray especially for me he makes perfect sense, when he speaks about things it’s like that little girl inside going that’s what it is he answers questions that the little girl had 40 years ago. I used to tell my mum we are the aliens and we envaded this planet and she would tell me don’t be silly haha. So This community is a chance to learn more about things I half know about and learn so much more I don’t know about. Just today I learnt about Hitler, and learning that he wasn’t as bad as we were made to believe and the word Nazi was propaganda to peeeee them off the symbol they used wasn’t for bad like we were made to believe it was for good and their intentions were good too but we have been lied to over and over.

I just hope and pray 🙏 that I am around for the time we become a nation govend by Love. I pray that more and more people will allow themselves to have that open mind.

I go to my Aunts house and start speaking and I can hear their thoughts, they don’t want to hear me but then I’ll say something that gets their attention and then they are like “oh “ they are slowly coming around especially my uncle who has cancer and I have told him that he can heal himself but he has to believe and then go into detail. I was only there yesterday and this time when I spoke my uncle actually stood stopped and listened to what I was saying. I explained about the earths heart beat and our heart beat is the same so grounding is good being in the sun and so much more and he was just listening and then said to me “ I didn’t know any of that”. So Thanks to this community and all the people associated with UNIFYD platform I have been able to educate not only myself but friends and family and that is to me Priceless!!! 🥰

Jul 23 at 07:18 PM

Civil war

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 23 at 12:00 PM

There are So many Negative Comments Here and it’s disappointing! Jason has Clearly Stated alongside Ray “This Has Been Done To Bring About Awareness” To many Things. Getting into Trival Crap about the Bible ect or what Ray has said or him going back and forth again Jason has clearly stated that his way of interpreting may be different. People asking to Join to Help, Again This platform is to bring awareness and to Educate You so That You the Inspiring TLS Member can Go Out There and Share your Knowledge and Wisdom that you have learnt via this community and Share it amongst Friends and Family, People you meet on the bus or Train! It’s an Ongoing Everyday Life Style to want to Change the World for a better loving tomorrow. Personally and this is my Opinion Most of you are watching and you hear words But Most are Not Listening to what’s being said!! MAKE NOISE !!!!! How many can say that they have gone to the local government and asked about the Chem trails ?? How many have asked or questioned your doctors and challenged them on what they have learnt and told them they are wrong??? Just curious! How many have gone in the streets and just made others aware that what is happening isn’t okay and that if we band together we can make this place a better world??? I’ll wait…..

Before You come at me and ask Have I??? My answer to that is YES! I am slowly building a community of like minded people New people I meet out and about and I share what I have learnt, connect via fb share UNIFYD content, You Begin to find your SOUL TRIBE, People will gravitate towards you because of your energy!!! If your doing it all for the right reasons as Jason And Ray have said we can Make a difference even if it’s it just one person at a time that you plant seeds of thought and go from there.

Reading these comments seriously Guys If you don’t believe there is no convincing you and well your just going to be a negative Nancy and that’s okay, but try and keep the negativity to yourself this is why we as the human race fail, so many Ego’s so much judgement why???? Don’t like what you see or read scroll . You joined because you were curious? Were you not???

Anyways STAY POSITIVE PEOPLE BE HAPPY BE HELPFUL LOVE ONE ANOTHER, EMPOWER EACH OTHER!! Get Over All the Drama Unite with others In Here, get each other’s opinions stop trying to be right because truth be had None Of Us Really Know, None of Us have Personally Experienced Anything and that includes what we have learnt We can only move Forward with Positivity and Love and try to make this place a better one for our children and generations to come! MUCH LOVE AND LIGHT AND RESPECT TO THE AWESOME UNIFYD FAMILY MEMBERS 💟♌️💟(I don’t mean no disrespect to anyone)


Jul 21 at 10:21 AM

I’m interested In how you know too?

Commented on 👁

Jul 21 at 10:12 AM

Who put music in the background? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Jul 21 at 10:04 AM

Let It Go! Move Forward, Love with and Open Heart, Judge No one and Always remember The Universe has your back! 💟♌️💟


Replied on post was deleted

Jun 23 at 11:53 AM

You can turn these off so you are not followed and so they can not use your information on meta

Replied on post was deleted

Jun 21 at 10:09 AM

Click the Lovely 🥰

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 21 at 10:09 AM

Good Luck 🤞 to All 💟🥰♌️

Jun 20 at 09:53 AM

Yesssss 🙌🙌🙌🙌