
Appleton, WI, United States

Jun 29 at 02:49 PM

Many years ago I was sitting and thinking about the phrase or term

" Weapons of mass destruction" and I was just pondering the actual idk magnitude of that statement.

" Children "

I believe 100% that the world .... Evil doers per say, somehow use our own children as weapons. In totality. Trafficking. Let's start there.

Move on to social media and social defiance or deficit.... intellectually speaking. Our food. Our medical care. False teaching.

Using our children against us, in essence. That's a whole world of hurt and mass destruction from the ground up.

Maybe I didn't use the best words to explain my thoughts but it's almost over whelming to me. Maybe it's always been that way but I believe we as a PLANET, ESPECIALLY AS A COUNTRY KEEP MOVING FURTHER IN THE DIRECTION OF MASS CHAOS.



Jun 27 at 12:55 PM

I can't express my sincerity when I say that I'm glad for you that ur feeling better. It's crazy how life can turn so dark, when you can't even find an explanation for the darkness and feeling so empty or alone! I've been there!!!

Hollar my way if you ever need an ear. Good wishes your way!!

Keep ur chin up!


Jun 25 at 04:53 PM

I am too!! And I agree with you! I have lots of things that I've researched to back this up. You're 100% on to something here. 🩵


🖖🏽 Lol.

Jun 25 at 12:03 AM

Yes. Most definitely! I've met them. Human form but I could pick em out of a crowd at this point. There's a very distinct characteristic that I noticed and it can't be mistaken.

Call me crazy, I didn't know it at first. I didn't even believe in this stuff then. But as I started remembering things, I could start to piece stuff together. And ..... Sounds crazy but yes. I believe it. 200%

Our physical bodies are vessels.

And what I witnessed or noticed is very defining. Like I said I could pick it out anywhere. Anytime. No mistake.

Commented on 💫

Jun 17 at 07:13 PM

Thanks for confirming my experiences. That I've been living thru for at least 7 yrs. My own research led me to this belief. However I dare not say anything bcz it sounded crazy but can't deny reality. And my whole life turned upside down. Inside out. And ppl seeing "me" in several states. Even ppl looking for me, via contact with friends. Even told my a manager at a hotel that the Mexican police called looking for me. I have never been to Mexico. No one knew I was at this hotel. I didn't even CHK in. I had someone check me in.


Debra M Dawson thank you again!!! Appreciate your time and ears!! Take care!! 

Debra M Dawson and thank you from the deepest part of my heart for your time. I really appreciate it. I'll still most likely ... Remove as much of my post as I can by tomorrow. Lol. And, if you or ur nephew ever want to get in touch, please feel free to reach out. Take care.


Not sure, really not follower of the choices you mentioned. However, it's been my life long dream to create a similar organization. Life path hasn't made it possible unfortunately. I did speak of it A LOT. and to as many ppl that I could. And then one day.... I learned about what a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL IS. I typed ( Google ) search for things that were occuring and my experiences .... Bam. TI.

NEVER HEARD THAT TERM BEFORE. and in less then 10 yrs my life has been flipped upside down. Insanity. And I'm struggling to regain motivation and focus to get uproot myself back to the days before the hellish gang stalking g took over. Sadly things that Ray described are exactly things I experience. I've had ppl looking for me and following me and it's left me with a new view on our society along with major PTSD. A criminal record and severely frightened. And depressed.

So whatever super hero plot.... I don't know exactly. Just do something. Keep it going.

Replied on The Pyramid Code

May 16 at 12:46 AM

Danielleto name a few 

Replied on The Pyramid Code

May 16 at 12:45 AM

Most likely Madrid, golden, cerillos, Edgewood. Taos.