Ashley Banta

Lancaster, KY, United States

Apr 02 at 04:19 PM

I cannot wait to see Disclosure and the rest of this series. One day, when my vibrations are high enough TLS will find me and I can be apart of this community. That is my purpose in this lifetime is to use energy to return earth back to its original form energetically. So when I seen this I was excited to finally see a future for myself. I know I will be apart of this, not when but one day. I feel it in my soul. Thank you both including TLS for making these videos to allow people like myself to get confirmation. To help us know that there is something being done in the world about the psycho paths as a collective consciousness. That helps me want to work harder at moving forward. I'll keep watching!!

Apr 02 at 04:14 PM

I must say, I was channeling 2 days ago and asked the question "who is God". Personally I believed in Source, 1 creator but many Gods. The next day, I don't scroll on social media- it's a waist of time, but this popped up on my feed below my post. The commercial talked about my question I had asked the Universe the night before. I left organized religion 5 years ago. I had an awakening afterwards. Since then my gifts upgraded, my beliefs upgraded, therefore my vibrations upgraded. I always go within rather than praying upwards. I did the 7 day trial and started watching The Pyramid Code. I already knew everything Ray talks about except TLS. I have been asking the Universe for a long time to please tell me the truth behind the "Disclosures" I know about but I want to see deeper than that. Finally, my question was answered. If I would have seen this during Covid, I would have never looked at this, but I was receptive, open and seeking the truth. This resonates more than I can express.

Apr 02 at 03:34 PM

Jesse Town can you email me please 🙏 thank you

Apr 02 at 12:47 AM

What do you mean by this?