

Apr 26 at 10:44 PM

Covid is a placebo effect on steroids. I had this hunch of a disease systemically breaking down the body cell by cell thought by thought. A slow process that people have been fooled into believing is something that is curable or preventable through a vaccine. Its a slap in the face of those deemed lesser than, Those who were cultivated into and out of the agenda. Race plays an important part in understanding why these things are going on what is going to happen next. Orange is the new norm. Black is the origin as if we are looking at a tv that hasnt turned on yet. Its irrifutable. But there are those that have deem black unworthy or inferior. Those who truley understand or know the level of racial warfare that has been going on for the past 200 years or so are gripping their guns preparing, and making peace with what is coming, an eventuallity that is seen through history.


Apr 26 at 01:09 PM

Watching the new *civil war" movie, i get the feeling or understanding more rather that there is an opposing film to it either out already or in the making.
Maybe a response to the "Walking dead"?


Apr 12 at 05:47 PM

Very very enlightening movie "Reptilian" on netflix..
Del toro is really great in this film. Sheds light on the level of nefarious activity that is going on, and has been going on for years if, If not decades. The intricacy of it is bewildering when you watch it twice. Justin Timberlake does a great job of explaining through his character. (Not for the short attentioned)*
Whats your take of it?


Apr 10 at 01:50 PM

Has anyone experienced a wierd sort of awareness of their body pertaining to 2019?
I mean did you experience anything that you hadnt experienced before in life Mentally, or physically before 2019?



Apr 09 at 04:22 PM

What's the most significant piece of Global news since 2019?

If I had to guess it was the revelation that the CIA lost so many operatives in the field over the course of the past ten years.

Another one would be the comment Kim jong made right before 2019 ended and right before the "pandemic started", or the threat he made, along with the pictures he took with his family on pale white horses. (This one went uncontested by to many in this country I think, and is still unfolding unbeknownst to many).can't say exactly what it is he promised to do. But he did it. He definitely did. Amazing how only those who have knowledge of what it is he was trying to portray know😐. What power it is he's really using to bend the world to his will is still unknown. War? Famine? Death? Conquest? \Misinformation\.



Apr 08 at 03:47 PM

What does the eclipse signify to you?

To me it signifies that all things are possible. That things are not as they seem, and they never were. There is always a deeper understanding to things. Earth is Too graceful to be put here in this universe, It's a task to understand why. We have been leaning away from this understanding as a whole, I think. What does that mean for the future? It just brings up a bunch of questions witnessing it. When I looked away it stayed with me like always but it was alil different this time. Like something I was missing.


Apr 05 at 11:05 AM

Woke up in brooklyn this morning to my bed shaking. Knowing verywell something waz up, this is the second time ive experienced this in the past 15 years or so, now they put a warning out 40 minutes later that and 4.7 hit new york. Not pleasant. I thought someone was in my room moving my bed.