Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Apr 09 at 12:32 AM

Someone who has only been described to me as an old man, who looks in his 80s but healthy. I doubt they would post him online so I'm mostly playing around.


What is now though? Now is gone within the second I think of now. That now is the past. I'm now in the future of that now.

Couldn't time be a triangle ? past present and future. We are constantly shifting through all 3.

Isn't time all one thing ?

Nothing places the real thing. God created gold. "Man" made gold wouldn't hold the same power


Apr 08 at 06:58 PM

I spent years extremely fatigued. Started getting off meds. I was on A LOT. It helped but I still was sleeping a lot. Not living much. Then a blood test showed I was very low on vitamin d and vitamin b. They started me on a super high dose of D, available through prescription, and I noticed a huge difference the first day.

Vitamin D and B being low can cause depression, fatigue, among other things.

Take vitamins, eat well, work on your spirituality, open your awareness , change your thoughts.


Apr 08 at 05:50 PM

There is codes. They are in Hebrew. Right? So would that mean it would benefit us to learn Hebrew .. or will these codes make sense/dicephered in other languages as well ?

Apr 08 at 05:19 PM

Colorado? Thats where I am. Would have loved bumping paths with you all. 👀❤️

Apr 08 at 05:13 PM

Sorry not related but PLEASE get closed captioning. I like to hear and read at the same time. It will also help the hard of hearing and deaf community.

Apr 08 at 05:08 PM

Is that who I think it is ? ❤️❤️❤️

Apr 08 at 05:02 PM

I've slowly been getting off man made medicine. Obviously there is some you can't discontinue until we learn to heal ourselves through energy again..  so please do not discontinue a medicine that will harm you by not having it. 

I have been taking myself off meds that one can live without. Through medically supervised weans.  Luckily the doctors have been supportive.  

I believe having less natural things in my body and mind will help me "connect" 


Apr 08 at 04:52 PM

My husband remembers being in the womb... I wish I could.  I remember things through dreams, they will occur over and over. That's why I know it's not just my imagination. 
