
Commented on The ANTIDOTE

May 06 at 05:56 AM

This is mind-blowing, but how it is made simple and articulated, it makes a person's independent ability to run and confirm this information, ultimately giving so much clarity for me personally to questions I had a strong intuitive knowing of when the pandemic first began. And it's link to 5G I was speaking about to who ever would entertain my train of thought long enough to hear me. I'm not excited because it s a good thing just excited that I was right on to something from the beginning. How the scientists and all those who were trying to warn us about 5G being rolled out exactly around same time as this pandemic hit. Good job Jason, thanks again, unifyd tv! One love

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May 06 at 04:10 AM

Too bad you aren't hiring, or have a job where I live. Regardless, of course, I'm in! 💯🤗

Apr 27 at 04:58 AM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹thank you for your much needed words. And You are absolutely correct, I love how you articulated exactly what I seem to not have words for. My mom was very eccentric and taught me very young critical thinking, to question everything and always seek truth. It has led me down many paths of enlightenment but also dark days too, however the greatest wisdom I can say she gave me and I hold true is finding the lesson in every situation. There is always something to be learned, and most times it's not what's happening to us, as much as for us if we shift perspective. Kind of off topic but guess spirit moved me. I really just wanted to say thank you for replying, made my day! One Love 

Apr 22 at 03:31 AM

You're not alone. However I'm still working through dysfunction, but then again, I still am not sure really if I am dysfunctional because society says that I am, or if the dysfunction is just me needing to break free from the conditioning and programming from childhood and my early years.

 It is so wonderful though to finally be seeing others who have been on similar awakening type of journeys that also haven't been able to truly conversate with others without being totally labeled crazy. It has been a weird type of solitude tbh. 

 About 12 years ago, I used to laugh at people when they said I was just crazy, I laughed because I saw they were just sheep, or ignorant, I said mark my words, someday you will realize I was not so crazy. Someday has come and I love there are so many more "crazies" like me and in fact, we're more sane then the others! 

I never stopped trying though, I consider it like planting seeds to spark their journeys. Hopefully. Thank you Jason!  One Love 🥰