Lori Longer

May 20 at 12:06 AM

Think about whom is really running the country. If we are being honest it's right in front of our faces. The shit going on for the last 45yr has increaseingly less human and more pedophiles running humans into extinction. I mean if I needed low vibration to survive on this planet.I would want a source that gives the most amount of low vibes for the longest amount of time. Right? Sexual abuse of children...when are we going to stop allowing extras to make us take ourselves out through telepathic mind games a fetti.

May 19 at 11:54 PM

Sex trafficking of children through the state of Washington DCS is very big business revenue after all title 51 was in acted by the pedophiles Clintons after all someone has to pay for all the millions of dollars that the Fed's pay local government to look like they are fighting government corruption from the inside out.title 51 is the answer to who pays for all services and resources. Make the kids pay their own way


May 04 at 07:07 PM


May 04 at 07:03 PM

Sexual abuse of our children is humanitys number 1 problem if we don't stop it the will be another human extinction... It's the only problem that will lead to the extinction of the human race...

May 04 at 07:01 PM

All it would take to start to save our children cost nothing... sexual abuse of children needs to be the main thing that everyone who is talking about.

May 04 at 06:58 PM

The only part I have a problem with is the fact that sexual abuse of children happens everywhere no one is immune to this so this information should be free because if he believes (as he says) that it's more prevalent in poor broke family's they aren't the ones who are paying for this app. He could be more help if he use some of him millions to pay to get this information out it everyone in huge ways cause money talks and bullshit only helps the pedophiles

May 04 at 06:52 PM

Cause really it doesn't matter if the characters and stories are copy at least they are sharing the very real problem.

May 04 at 06:50 PM

Omg this is exactly what they are trying to do through the one into the comments and see all those reactions to the commented as a result putting dout into the minds of good people who then choose not to get involved either way because they don't know how is or what is the truth.

May 04 at 06:42 PM

In prison yon the streets it's a hate crime to do anything to a pedophile. WTF any human who is cool with this is a pedophile it's time

May 04 at 06:39 PM

Look when are we as a whole effort going to start talking about this problem in a honest and loud way that will actually be of any help to humanity's number 1 problem. The good one are out numbered by the pedophiles because of the silence of child sexual abuse. Here is some food for thought, God is not okay with us sitting by while this happens and relieving ourselves of any guilt by using him as a reason for us allowing pedophiles to continue using our children as sex toys. And anyone in a position of power who has the ability to act and does not is a pedophile! I mean pedophiles are now in the eyes of the law a protected class of citizens in Washington state. This government did a study and they found that if a child has one person who loves them the can heal from this abuse and grow up to be a productive member of our society. So children are resilient..and the quality of the life a pedophile has is not as good they can't get a job or place to live.