Sex trafficking of children through the state of Washington DCS is very big business revenue after all title 51 was in acted by the pedophiles Clintons after all someone has to pay for all the millions of dollars that the Fed's pay local government to look like they are fighting government corruption from the inside out.title 51 is the answer to who pays for all services and resources. Make the kids pay their own way
Lori Longer
Commented on If the FBI was not a traitor fraud or...
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Replied on Saving the Children : The Victims
Replied on Saving the Children : The Victims
Replied on Saving the Children : The Victims
Replied on Saving the Children : The Victims
Commented on Saving the Children : The Victims
Commented on If the FBI was not a traitor fraud or...
May 20 at 12:06 AM
Think about whom is really running the country. If we are being honest it's right in front of our faces. The shit going on for the last 45yr has increaseingly less human and more pedophiles running humans into extinction. I mean if I needed low vibration to survive on this planet.I would want a source that gives the most amount of low vibes for the longest amount of time. Right? Sexual abuse of children...when are we going to stop allowing extras to make us take ourselves out through telepathic mind games a fetti.