
Huntington Beach, CA, United States


May 15 at 12:52 AM


I'm going to be killed but first arrested for posting this but after three years I'm of attacks and seeing I'm not the only one being attacked and ripped to shreds, I can see that this is how my fate is supposed to play out. I don't expect the public to save me but I do expect the public to save the others here and themselves. That's the point of my sacrifice so please in the name of God don't let me down. I've given up everything and been attacked for three years from all angles trying to beat or avoid this threat so here we go. My name is Anthony Michael Dimarcello III. I love HB and moving here in 2007 was the best decision of my life. It still is and I have faith this is the only city in the world that can handle and survive the justice needed against the evil our country is facing. I moved here to further my career and help my disabled mother that has been living here since I was 13. Her father has a past here and in Las Vegas as a casino owner and investor into entertainment, she was here in the past and came back. We are from Trenton and Princeton NJ. I am a hero award recipient through ihss, I am a fintech developer through the fed as a commodity broker and I want anyone to read this to know that beyond conspiracy theories that I am ready to sacrifice myself for the greater good and safe as many lives as possible that I have not been able to successfully save myself since the attacks upon me started. I hope I have time to explain my background and the full situation before I am silenced so anyone reading this can know I am real and sincere and I am not in need of anything, just make sure this evil is stopped. I had no criminal record and no drug issues. After finance in 2017 I developed and designed the millworks for over 200 luxury homes on the coast in OC. TPTB have done much to discredit me but have no idea the systems and work I have done for family offices, monex, ihss, helping those with bipolar and schizo effective disorders, mf global, the gold and precious metals markets, my influence on Teslas success or stopping access to the cmo pools by assholes in a second attempt at a recession out this area. Google my last name and you can see how deep my roots run back to Rome. My grandfather never brought up or brought us around his surname. I went to a private school attached to a convent of nuns that had me on an Apple 2 by 5 (1988) and it's obvious now why.
My mother has been bipolar since dagnosed when I was eleven. Her family abandoned her and chalked up her issues to drug abuse bc she had to self medicate with that affliction bc you are only as good as your support, which she has none . Her mother, my grandmother was outcasted the same way. And her mother was murdered when I was 6 months old bc of this selfish mentality. As a broker I came face to face with my anxiety and was lucky to be sent down crown valley parkway to be fixed and stable to continue my work keeping the tech behind the financial markets I was a part of running through the recession and not letting outside influences break the markets, AS intended, but I worked in secrecy, I felt at that young age (23) that no one should know the cyber attacks I stopped and I was right. In 2021 I was a single father and my success finally allowed me to take in my mother and finally get her help. I moved to Irvine to temporarily get past the luxury housing projects I was responsible for and get a break from HB to calmly get my mother into a better life with support. It took me my whole life and non stop work to accomplish this. I have had several successful businesses in orange county and I don't want to make this about that, but I need you to know anyone trying to tarnish my integrity and credibility is evil and the enemy. By Aug 2021 I was stripped of everything I owned and victim of a retaliatory eviction. My mother was thrown to the wolves where I rescued her from into my new home and my perfect credit, assets, business ripped from me. I didn't know at the time but I was victim of several attacks including my 40th data breach (TMobile 2021 , 80 million americans). I ended up ignored by any and all help from the govt, Lawyers, social services or my family in NJ. In NJ my family in the legal system was told I am a drug mule, money launderer and con man. Btw my career in finance made me a specialist in transparency worldwide. My abilities in tech don't allow anyone to hide from me the dirt they are covering up. I have everything and it's a national security issue but bc this has gone so bad for so long and I'm amongst more victims and can't do this bullshit secrecy anymore, I'm going to try and drop everything and sacrifice myself. I am in the FEMA camp for two years on beach and slater. I HAVE BEEN injured and my mom almost killed bc of the threat growing against our country. HB I do not believe is involved but this county and STATE and the governor are involved. Do not be fooled. ACLU is trying to stop this since 2019. Links below can shed some light and I have little resources but the vids show my nice life with my family and I hope my mother on life support after these attacks haunts all of you and our enemies until we defeat them. But I do not expect to survive. I have been illegally arrested several times to silence me already. This time I know will be the last. They won't let ,me tell it all and y'all will not help and protect me fast enough. But save the people in the fema camp and they can tell the truth rest. I have copies all over of the truth they can't stop it by stopping me. Do not take this lightly and please ask questions on here as long as I can answer them and contact lawyers to help asap. My fate is up to God now, Im tired and beat down, I can't fight this any more alone. Ty for your faith and help to those strong enough t o not stop until the truth is revealed and enemy is defeated.


May 09 at 12:23 PM

Steven gill contact Larry Haynes mercy house Costa Mesa he runs this place

May 09 at 12:21 PM


I will answer you in a separate post once I can get some privacy and some space here to do so.


May 09 at 12:19 PM

I've been trying to get help for three years. This is a publicly known facility. This is what the rest of the country will be experiencing. I am not the only one that needs to stop this. If you can read this and you are in America, you are looking at your future too if it's not stopped.


May 08 at 09:04 PM

UNIFYD TV Larry Haynes in Costa Mesa for mercy house is the only person that is worth focusinf on ... Many people under him they are trying to make look like are involved and they are just patsies


May 08 at 08:59 PM

If I disappear or go to jail you contact Jesse Knabb  here he is in touch with Eve and elder law is his lawyer now.. Allison at elder law. Also have them get to my sister Erika homicide detective and tell her I'm in danger for exposing transient and child trafficking and the theft of fed funds used for these activities state wide. It's from newsome and activities in San Francisco, where he was mayor. Feinstein is who I contacted first for this reason. My sistere has to come here in person Immediately to cali and my uncle who is a judge and bail me out and make sure I can see them physically or I'm probably dead already. You will be in danger and others on my phone if I disappear the family is powerful enough to protect you..also the dimarcellos are too I'm writing to my sister now this same message. I am currently in the shelter as I can't walk out or leave and I'm agitating those that have no idea I exist and know what they are doing to homeless kids in oc and Costa Mesa. I do t know


May 08 at 06:13 AM

I responded above as a reply to the admin in the comment above and I should do a separate post to see what's going on bc the replies are not seen unless expanded.... I don't want this to drag on and get more dangerous for the people who can't defend themselves but I haven't reached out publicly yet and I guess I have to accept anyone willing to help will have questions first and I will do my best to answer the,m asap. Please ..... Keep in mind that this is real, it should not be happening in AMERICA and I've already seen several people die here, my resources are limited and we need help now. If you absolutely need to question me.


May 08 at 05:57 AM

UNIFYD TV Help us and don't buy into the bs. Clearly the courts authorities etc are aware of this situation SO expect pushback. The state robbed our country for 25 billion using grants and nonprofits. It's enough to give every homeless person 150k each in the state. They are using id theft and many other crimes to get that much money per homeless person and they are using the homeless kids too and I'm sure it's beyond just cooking the books.

Help us. Ty

May 08 at 05:46 AM


They use some of the money to keep us homeless or create homelessness and stole the rest. CA state audit just released says it all. This is in America. This is what's coming across the country. If you wanna help our country and children and adults that need help right now, if you wanna help then please I'mdo it now before anyone else gets hurt.

Action is the fruit of knowledge

My action to write this and try to get everyone out of here puts me in grave danger. Commenting here on my post and asking me to do something or referring me to someone to help is NOT ACTION. I'm asking this community and the organization involved with this website to take action.


May 08 at 05:43 AM

Thank you for your response. We need help and we are in danger, especially myself and the others here by trying to speak out. I'm iI need help, I'm in a FEMA camp in hb the tents on the corner of beach and slater. I've been here for almost three years. You can look up ACLU socal website And see the the homeless situation and courts keeping this going there. I have seen many die here. You cannot walk out of here. Major civil rights violations involved. If you think the adults are treated bad, the homeless kids in the state are much worse. The state stole 25 billion meant for the homeless.
