Debra M Dawson

I Am a seeker of truth My desire to learn and to grow is like an unquenchable thirst I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams I live to Ascend

Jun 20 at 09:44 AM

Gonna watch this! Love you Jason!


Dani I understand. Same here, just reach out. Thank you for sharing your experiences and please, please, be safe!


Jun 14 at 09:00 PM

Wow, quite eye opening! I will be checking labels all night now! Lol, nah just kidding, but I will start checking labels much closer now. Thank you for educating us on this. Very informative!

Now I could be totally off here, I don't watch alot of TV. But I have seen Matrix. Weren't they some sort of team that was trying to right wrongs and bend time and all? Heck, right now I can't even remember the black actor that played such an amazing role in it.


Dani wow! I totally believe you! My nephew has been sharing with me the whole "gang stalking", I believe it's called. I could be wrong tho. I thought I remembered you mentioned something about gang stalking as well? Anyway, regardless of what it's called, he (my nephew) has been experiencing this for the last 2-3 yrs himself!!! So baby, I BELIEVE YOU!!Smart move, sending your ftiend documentation for safe keeping. At first when my nephew started sharing the things that were happening, I thought maybe he'd been dipping into the meth a little too much and maybe had been up for days and was just imagining it all. I say that about him with all love. Yes, he's got a drug problem, but I used to as well, been clean now for 5 years after being an opiate addict for over 20 years myself. So please don't think I'm downing him at all. He is an amazing guy...with a drug problem. So after both he AND his wife started sharing f*cking crazy shit with me, I was in total awe that WHOEVER ordered this to happen would choose him as a target. I think the word target fits your situation as well. Is there anything I can do to help you? I don't have any finances to help, but I have time, and Internet connection and computer, but most of all, I have two good ears for listening, and broad shoulders to not only cry on but also to possibly help carry your burdens. Please let me know if I can help in some way.


Jun 14 at 06:05 PM

Jamie, I hear you! I'm currently waiting for my disability to be approved myself! So I completely understand where your coming from!


Jun 14 at 06:03 PM

Far out!!! You guys are simply amazing!


Jun 14 at 05:46 PM

No matter what I will not allow them or anyone to destroy my life. I'd never give them THAT much power over me!


Dani, omg as much as that sounds like a movie and it should never happen in REAL life...I BELIEVE YOU!!! I've not experienced things such as you have and it breaks my heart to learn that you've gone thru this. It's almost like being blacklisted! Have you kept a journal about all of this? Somehow you've got to be able to bring awareness to the masses. But ONLY if you can do that and keep yourself safe. I'm so sorry all of this has happened to you. I can't even imagine. Are you safe where your at? Thank you for sharing your story, you are a courageous person. You have opened my eyes even more! Please take care of yourself, and I will keep you in my thoughts and yes even my prayers.


kalijah hammersley agree, I nod quite a bit when I'm listening to someone. Especially when it's something I'm passionate or knowledgeable about what we're discussing. Billy Carson is anything but annoying! He's one of the most intelligent, knowledgeable, and downright interesting people I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. If the nodding bothers you, or others, just listen to what they're saying, don't watch. I hope you will further listen to some of the other amazing information this man can share. If not, you'll be missing out on major nuggets of wisdom.
