Darren Adams

Perth, Australia

Jun 12 at 06:21 AM

why don't u DM like a asked! I don't have time to be fing around! I've already given you all the information and this is the best you guys can do how very underwhelming and how very predictable I see what's going on here

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Jun 11 at 04:45 PM


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Jun 11 at 04:44 PM

Yeah that's certainly what I agree on and I do hope that that's what their agenda is and I don't think Jason is evil or anything like this but there are always Secret agendas in the background and they do this deliberately to flush people out so that they know who's their enemy but having said that they may not be they may be perfectly legitimate and not trying to do the right thing these things do come out and to wash eventually at our plasma research we're about to change the world and by all means send me a friend request and I can show you our research into plasma the pyramid is a machine it's a plasma vacuum vortex system that is absolutely exquisite video from our open physics research organisation.


Jun 08 at 09:41 AM

Benita our plasma research is independent of all sources & need media attention from open souse media & like minded people.


Jun 08 at 09:38 AM

Benita there's been many people with same general correct theory & we now explain the exquisite science that seals this as fact!

there is zero doubt power , element making & healing tec & more.


Replied on post was deleted

Jun 08 at 08:41 AM

Just take this into account Jason maybe pure of heart and may have good intentions but the people who back in may not I've seen this many times in my life big organizations sponsoring someone to use them only to pull the carpet out from under him later and dump everything on them this is a very good possibility that this could be happening are not saying it is just saying it's worth thinking about

Jun 08 at 08:40 AM

If you're here to do good for people why don't you reply like I asked to talk about our plasma research breakthrough that's still being ignored now it seems you helping doing the very same as everyone else haven't contacted me and we've got world-changing Discoveries and nothing but crickets here

Replied on post was deleted

Jun 08 at 08:39 AM

This is worth thinking about Jason Shakira might be completely innocent and being used I've seen this happen many times within my own life constantly tricks like this it is worth thinking about who vaccine because it may be they are the evil ones and Jason's not that's what I would bet if this is happening

Jun 07 at 12:37 PM

Plasma involved psychic abilities okay I know that I'm psychic


Jun 07 at 12:04 PM

about our plasma breakthrough! Tesla style power coming soon.

We can change the world forever together please contact me.

support our research
