
Leicester, NY, United States

Jun 08 at 01:28 AM

Can you share your experience? If not it's cool, I get it , but , I am a person who can tell a lie before anyone lying even starts to speak and through the 1000's of experiences I've heard or read about 70% of them have undeniable similarities and things I feel people would never associate the things they do or have so much trouble emotionally with telling if they were not being totally and utterly honest and also ultimately boiling down to being terrified beyond comprehension .

Jun 08 at 01:17 AM

Yall Roger is the "belief" Poe Poe , ROGER CANT BE OPEN TO ANYTHING BECAUSE HE ALREADY knows IT all! Come on...How do you know he's the only one on earth who can channel with ET's like or even the same ET, Bashar?

When did he send you an invitation to watch this , did he? Or did you sit through all of it just to point out everything you "know" at the end?

Also, I'd like to know , how 40 years ago he knew things that he couldn't have possibly known? It was not written in any book, told by any expert and even the best scientists had no idea how he knew things he did because even they didn't have the ability to fact check it!! Then all, every word ended up to prove and change our whole universe's beliefs on existence because it was proven....that doesn't mean that when he said it 30 years before it was a lie does it?

Did you know pathological liars usually hate to be in the spotlight ? They are usually antisocial or Narcissistic, this man seems to be genuine and caring and he continuously says you have FREE WILL , he's saying to believe him or don't, it's up to YOU! Over and over and over. Even if you don't believe the alien channeling part, what he is saying is all absolutely true and people are waking up to this! I know individuals who have been learning about this stuff for literally decades and this guy made it all clear for them.

Finally and Most important of all, he didn't ask for anything from anyone! This man is putting out information to help people and you and other negative people always find something to pick apart about EVERYONE. Why?is it a performance thing? Did you fail at it?

I dare you to try your best to be positive no matter what for just 3 days and watch how much better you will feel! Let me know if you could do it or if you even have the "stones" to try....

Jun 08 at 12:43 AM

Carole Philippe possibly one that words do not need to have a spelling they can just be written as whatever you believe it should be?