Derrick Graham

Sep 18 at 11:08 AM

Dianne Everyone needs someone and that’s one of the reasons I am mad at myself for wanting to give in to the negative energy’s. I have never really been a person to just give up but at this moment in the world I have seen so much sadness and not much good. Yes many people say good things but when you really look there usually isn’t much action behind those words. And let me say I never want to be a hypocrite. I try to help anyone I can. I just wish that the change would hurry! I’m so sorry for your loss! No one should have to feel that pain and yes we all know it’s part of this life experience but it doesn’t make it any easier. My twin brother was my best friend and the last conversation we had wasn’t a good one so I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I want to live the best life I can for myself and him! So starting today I will focus on bringing love into this world and trying to keep his memory in the world. I’m also here if you ever need someone to listen


Sep 18 at 10:45 AM

Benita I guess we will see what comes to be. All I can do is keep sharing my love and try to help others. That is what makes me the happiest! We are all in this fight together.


Sep 18 at 09:40 AM

Benita I have been fighting these forces I feel like since birth! They seem to be relentless. They hate love and unity I believe that is why the world is so divided now. That is what upsets me when us as humans can’t seem to see this. I know we are the ones that are appointed to bring this to be. Maybe I need to find a light worker or something to help guide me and battle these dark energies?


Sep 18 at 05:56 AM


First I would like to let you know your words have helped more than you know! I really didn’t think anyone would care that much. I just want to see change. I understand my circumstances don’t define me. I needed reminding that the dark forces don’t want me to succeed! But it will still be hard because I love my mom and dogs more than you know. They are living in a bad situation. I have been working so hard to bring them out. And it has been setback after setback. That was one of the reasons I was going to leave here. But I do understand that I’m needed in this fight and I never run!!! So I’ll stay. As for what platform, it doesn’t matter. I do enjoy your uplifting energy. And I need as much of that as I can get at the moment. So thank you again! Sending love and light


Sep 17 at 10:55 PM

Gary Miles

Thanks man. I’m working on trying to get through this moment of hardship? You all are really giving me hope! I didn’t think anyone would care.


Sep 17 at 10:09 PM

Oh don’t I know how busy life can get. I am just in a pretty bad place at the moment and I just don’t know what to do. The old me would probably not be here right now. I am trying my best to rise above. When you have so much loss in life and it has seemed so hard to find genuine friends in this world. But I do hope that what you say comes to pass. Thanks for your support it means more than you know!!!!


Sep 17 at 07:38 PM

I know the dark forces are working on me overtime!!!! You could send positive energy my way. I need all I can get. Thank you for all your kind words. I will take a few days and try to fight off the negative energy.


Sep 17 at 09:06 AM

Benita I want to tell you that you are one of the great people on this platform!!! I am in a pretty bad place right now and I just don’t want to bring negative energy to this platform. I have pretty much watched all the shows on here and joined in on the lives. I am looking for someplace where others want to truly connect with our ideas and that will help each other in times of need!!! And I know you are one of those people I have seen you do kind things. But the majority in my eyes just want to speak what they believe and do nothing else. Now I know that’s judgmental but I can only say what I see in action. My mom is 68 years old and she is homeless. I have been working my tail off to try to change this and only obstacles have come my way. Over the past three years I have lost my twin brother, grandma, and dad! I’m basically alone and this platform honestly doesn’t fill that void and if I could help more I would. See this is why I chose to leave, negative emotions is most of what I have at this time. I want to thank you for your kindness from the bottom of my heart and I wish you a beautiful life!!



Sep 17 at 03:13 AM

Well guys this is my last little bit of time with you. I have enjoyed the information I have obtained while I can also see that not many are ready for the times to come. I wish everyone the best and love you all. Jason keep pushing forward. You have good on your side. Thanks everyone!!!


Sep 08 at 08:35 AM

Furthermore, the authorities didn’t really seem the care very much. I have an opinion that it could be a cover up! Who really knows I. Our world today? I just want all the violence and hurt gone!!!! We have to start doing something to stop all these senseless acts