Teresa Marie Muñoz-Murty

problem with all that knowledge- NOBODY KNOWS WHEN TO USE IT! ...when your in public and something gets everyones attention like an accident or someone passes out, a speaker starts talking on P.A , etc (for the modern here ye', here'ye monent) ...You have the response of the "caught off guard", the caring & helpful "humanitarian ", you got "lookers", and you got the, "Im going to be late if..." but then you got those who arent stoopid, but know something happened, but If they dont see it it never happened!!! those are the useless ones that seem to be more of the population! at least thats what I have noticed here in So. Cal.~ When you go to rescue, help, assist, divert the attention, go in first, try out, stand up for, speak up on--- I notice the few that actually beleive whatever it be, will have your same thought but decide NOT TO, because of everyone else! All those stares just watching& not doing! for what will happen next, instead of the Action to be done. Its a slow moving brain thought of 'next scene', for these ones around. I dont get it anymore, I cant really beleive this world is what we have now. We didnt deserve all this, how do we make our lives better with all the crap around us all everyday. I play nice, I dont judge~ but, when i do, like now, I will call it how i see it! and its a disgrace to all our ancestors who have killed or gotton killed for this world we let become what it is now. We need a savior but just want it to stay the same dynamics of what we have left of what once was. SORRY TO RANT, I JUST AM IN A DIRE NEED OF RELEASE, SO, YA! HERE YA GO. People suck, especially those ones at Walmart! and now- Costco! ugh! And i love people but those wierd kind of ones recently, are too much yuck for me. im all for vigilante law and groups of majority to fight for whats right, to weed out the wrong thinking groups of people. I feel like going guerrilla on it sometimes becsuse its rediculous to see how society just lets it be. ((Not a threat just fed up))

Replied on 💥💥💥💥

Jul 21 at 05:42 PM

thats wierd, cuz I always thought my husband &I do, too, only when together though! Its ever since meeting eachother! Always thought it was just a thing, but thinking bak on it... Your anwer to that post made me realize it! -...thank you!


Jul 20 at 04:52 PM

keep vigilant, this is the interwebbing for those too who want to find us that know. dont expect your secrets not to be shared by those with bad intention. But, i too spilled my beans and wrote my 'theory', and life has gotton very hard in everyday life. seems like a really hard challenge making ends meet and i contribute it to me spreading my knowledge of such out there... Anyways, i know i sound wacko, but, keep tabs on all new people you meet. dont openly speak to ones you never talked to about this with before your awakening.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Jul 17 at 06:29 AM

Jada CarterCarterTCarterCarterThCarterCarterTCarterCarter

Thank You! Really, i saw this in my emails and it caught my attention! It was perfect timing considering the B.S. i am trying to balance out and juggle while my mind is trying to figure out what the heck I am doing. Its a breath of fresh "kick in the pants", to not feel sorry for myself to see my decisions are worth my time, and strive for what i desire. To free what i cant control even though i Love em down to my soul, i need to seek peace! Now! unfortunately i have surrounded myself with narcissist offspring and allow myself the mental challenge of keeping strong throughout the past years, just hiding my true self inside where i know is safe, but due 2recent, changes in dynamics with the living situation & breathing fresh air out and about now! my challenge to recurve life into my leading role and switch the ego act to reflect their antics... Drama! i know! ...just needed to re ground  my energy! it goes awol in the chaos. I appreciate U


Jul 11 at 03:57 AM

it will come, be patient and also rid of poisons around u. Stay focused, live life with a mask that will keep your eyes not revealed to others when the truth is what you see. The mental crap people might say as if your thinking or mind is not right, AGREE. It will deflate them! keep strong, your NOT ALONE! be vigilant with all surroundings and In the mean time, learn about your surroundings, the ground you live on and area u know...Ancestry ,newspaper, myharitage, (.coms) it will teach you something that you might not realize deflecting your antennae to the answers you seek.

peace and love, TMM

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Jul 04 at 05:14 PM

Tina Weidner I am new here, I hope you are still here! Please, tell me your still alive. I am a nobody, and i read your story reply from months ago... I really wish you strength and hope to continue on in this messed up world so, We all can be that beacon of light to those who feel and know that there is something else to all this.


T needs to be upside down thru the S. For an Infinite spiraling visual, gives a look for the Cynical ones, like me.
