think of it as, LESSON NOT LEARNED, and a negative effect on top of that is not being able to actually try to learn as if it was an ultimate higher realm your soul was suppose to acheive during this time round toward being reincarnated, or reach The Nirvana Heavens in which we all seek in our souls journey. Taking yourself out as if it was your choice to", eh! ...not today!", and selfishly burden others with the effects of your soul being cut short, and stolen out of their world in which are now shattered due to a decision that was unknowingly, NOT RIGHT! BUT, WRONG! .. &/ OR, IF SEEING FROM A certain Perspective~ 'a trap!'
Teresa Marie Muñoz-Murty
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Oct 31 at 07:45 PM
Jada C. i find it wierd when some here want to meet up and hsve group sessions of togetherness...I am just like, hmmm! there probs gots some haters in this chat looking for perfect opportunities like that, to either prowl on these innocent naive souls thinking that they are there for the same reason! when in reality its just a wolf in sheeps fur.