Jada CarterCarterTCarterCarterThCarterCarterTCarterCarter
Thank You! Really, i saw this in my emails and it caught my attention! It was perfect timing considering the B.S. i am trying to balance out and juggle while my mind is trying to figure out what the heck I am doing. Its a breath of fresh "kick in the pants", to not feel sorry for myself to see my decisions are worth my time, and strive for what i desire. To free what i cant control even though i Love em down to my soul, i need to seek peace! Now! unfortunately i have surrounded myself with narcissist offspring and allow myself the mental challenge of keeping strong throughout the past years, just hiding my true self inside where i know is safe, but due 2recent, changes in dynamics with the living situation & breathing fresh air out and about now! my challenge to recurve life into my leading role and switch the ego act to reflect their antics... Drama! i know! ...just needed to re ground my energy! it goes awol in the chaos. I appreciate U
Replied on DISCLOSURE: The Finale Q&A
Jul 20 at 04:52 PM
keep vigilant, this is the interwebbing for those too who want to find us that know. dont expect your secrets not to be shared by those with bad intention. But, i too spilled my beans and wrote my 'theory', and life has gotton very hard in everyday life. seems like a really hard challenge making ends meet and i contribute it to me spreading my knowledge of such out there... Anyways, i know i sound wacko, but, keep tabs on all new people you meet. dont openly speak to ones you never talked to about this with before your awakening.