Derrick Graham

Aug 26 at 05:37 PM

It would be some of all the places. I love the sound of water running or waves crashing! I love the smell of the fall breeze coming off of the beautiful leaves. Animals are all around and we can feel what each other’s emotions. Snow on huge evergreens and the feel of snowflakes hitting my face, I can hear so much in the distance because my voice is carried with the wind. All of the things I love that have been given for us to enjoy. Im waiting on the earth to remember these things and want them back just as much as I do.


Aug 26 at 03:49 PM


Aug 26 at 03:48 PM

I agree but that is who the are currently fighting! They more than likely have a plan but the other side has a whole lot of money!!!!

Aug 26 at 12:49 PM

Yeah I saw something on that last night. This guy said since the blue moon we are transitioning into 5D! I do feel a change


Aug 25 at 06:00 PM

Where can I find it

Aug 25 at 05:59 PM

Thank you very much


Aug 25 at 05:52 PM

Amen!!!! It’s about time we understand what is needed in order to move this world forward I. The right direction. Anything anyone needs if I can help I am here!!!!!!!


Aug 25 at 05:49 PM

Has anyone else been wiped out lately? I feel like the past couple days have been really draining and don’t know why?


Aug 25 at 05:48 PM

I am trying to save up silver and I have lived most of my life without much money, therefore I don’t believe it will be as hard for me as someone that has more to lose! I just want more people to start wanting to help the ones in need. This is wherw it’s going to truly matter! We can’t turn a blind eye anymore! Time is running out. We have to be prepared


Aug 25 at 05:44 PM

The powers that be will not give up their power