Stewart white

Aug 21 at 02:09 AM

Read page 1 of the Bible it says the shadow of god lay over the earth and he said let there be light and Jesus said he is the light so god is not the light and the Bible talks about the creater been the light and Jesus so god is the devil so what they are doing is devil wereshiping

Aug 20 at 12:46 AM

The Bible calls the devil the snake and a medical assonance has it as its symbol so is there meciden safe

Aug 20 at 12:40 AM

May be I can’t rember were i saw it but sounds right

Aug 08 at 07:27 AM

I've learned to expect the unexpected it's my life now

Aug 08 at 07:03 AM

I got a 6000 watts inverter but only delivers 3000 watts constance and pekes at 6000 for a short time

Aug 08 at 06:14 AM

Benita ez battery reconditioning it's PDF

Aug 08 at 06:14 AM

Benita ez battery reconditioning it's PDF

Aug 08 at 04:41 AM

Ezbatterys it was on FB but there's a lot of stuff on a lot of different types of batteries

Aug 08 at 04:28 AM

Sorry didn't put in reply but got off net a guy was selling a book on battery and solar power my battery seems to be charging and has not gone bang


Aug 08 at 04:23 AM

You can buy alkaline battery charger for like engizer battery i haven't bought battery for like 3 years now I got mine from Amazon but had to get a power converter as USA power is 110 volts i think and I'm 240 volts and different plugs
