Stewart white


31 Mar 04:07

I here Utah has stopped floured in water it's meant to lower IQ the higher the rate the lower the IQ of people there's been a study done on it



30 Mar 07:10

Just been trying to go to sleep but can hear a hum in my ear but can hear my music fine kinda like the world is happy kinda in a good mood me too not sure what's going on but think it's good



26 Mar 04:28

If city's are recycling water from swerg plants for drinking water and the pill that stops woman getting pregnant is tuning frogs gay is everyone getting those hormones witch would intenafiy the problem


26 Mar 00:35

I was talking to a guy that was saying that all the frogs at swerg plants are going gay from the birth control pills so is that why kids are a bit that way now as the stuff turning frogs gay are in their mother's


23 Mar 04:57

You could probably make a plastic heat mat for home roofs to melt snow from a car battery just a through don't know anything about snow on roofs just what i see on tv and FB


23 Mar 02:45

Just brought some solar panels and inverter to power the house and some solar lights to shine on the panels at night to get power 24/7 used some of the money we would have had to pay the government as tax to get it of our taxes just wondering how they work if it snows were you are we don't get snow here but if you run heater wires in the panels they would melt the snow and you might be able to use them don't know if they all ready do that


21 Mar 08:48

If you are a sheer holder of a company that makes you part owner of it and if that company goes under with deat or owns money as part owner you should be held accountable for that deat or fines ocored for pollution that company makes like cock colar 1 billion plastic bottles a day but pays nothing for cleaning them up petrol companys as they want everyone to buy electric car's so they should be fined for damerging the environment and the sheer holders and water is H2O the H is hydrogen you can power cars on that


19 Mar 04:48

They say these people were in space for 9 months if that was the case there muscle would be depleted from no gravity and were did they get food and water from it's all bull shit


17 Mar 21:25

If you look what the meaning of the word antibiotics it's anti life anti means against and biotics means life like robotics life like


17 Mar 21:08

Have you wondered why they have been in trying to cure cancer and adis and diabetes etc for like 40 years and nothing yet covit 19 they had one in 3 months doesn't that sound strange to you