Stewart white


Aug 29 at 01:06 AM

If you go back and look at the changes of slavers they will have the Freemason logo on them and if you look were Wall Street is and look were the slave market was next to each other the stock market was formed on slavery and if the manure factory sold every thing 25% cheeper and the retailer sold every thing 25% cheeper they would still make million and millions of profit and you would get every thing 50% cheeper and if you look at the cheapest iPhone and the most expensive one the boath cost about the same to make and they still make 50% profit of the cheapest one so the diffance is all profit its like i looked at a double plug a left one was $3 and a right one was $6 around yet they boath got elected the same parts one just more profit they just love ripping you off like here a dairy company sheer holder can get gas 21 c cheeper then pump price and they still make a profit so pump prices could all be 21 c liter cheeper for every one hear and they would still make a profit of millions and millions


Aug 29 at 12:44 AM

The Bible says weed is the plant from the other side of the river Jesus was a fisherman so had a boat to get to the other side of the river and it’s were weed comes from


Aug 29 at 12:35 AM

The Roman Catholic chrich the Roman’s are the ones who killed Jesus the Vatican is right in the middel of the Roman Empire the language the pope speaks Latin is Roman they use to throwe Christian’s to the lions and they worshiped gods too


Aug 29 at 12:31 AM

I walk through the valley of death i fear no evil as throw is with me i live in a vally


Aug 29 at 12:18 AM

Th bible says there will be a desges that will keep every one in there homes before judgment day Covid 19 it says Jesus will come and secret the people into 2 gropes the sheep and goats I’ve done that he will come on the 7th trump and be placed by the mount of olives i was born on the 7th month and the farm up the road on a hill is an olive farm its 281 im 218 he will come and lead the people out of slavery to the land of milk and honey well money are the changes of slavery today the town i live in is the dairy captain of the world milk witch means clover in the pasture honey and the area i live in men’s one kiwi am i one mag ants the world


Aug 29 at 12:07 AM

What do you do when you have been trying to hide this for 24 years and people start to wake up to it you try to kill as meany off as possible Covid 19 the army has Covid operations and the Bible talks about the appolipyes it means the waking of the people or the lifting of the vale is that what is happening here now


Aug 28 at 11:18 PM

If you get a car altnator and run it off an electric motor a low watts motor i got a 250 amp one amps x volts = watts so its will produce 3000 watts witch will just about run our house and it 24/7 its a bit like solar panels they just charg battery’s for at night


Aug 28 at 11:12 PM

If you have lots of billioners thats money out of the ecomeny the more money the av person has the better the ecomeny will do money going around creates jobs witch growers the ecomeny giveing money to the ritch just depletes the ecomeny


Aug 28 at 11:05 PM

You know solar panels will ferment power from a light bulb just a little lower then the sun but you can genaret free power that way


Aug 28 at 11:03 PM

All the branches from trees cut down for timber could be put through a chipper for paper gardens and othe things in stead of been washed down street and blocking bridges up costing people throusdens to clean it up and may be new bridges