Stewart white


Sep 11 at 04:42 AM

There’s a song that says funny thing is when im dead i will kill you and you know how i will do it you will here your body breaking as i take you down and you will die the way youy lived your life with your head up your ass were do you think the saying kiss you ass good by comes from


Sep 11 at 04:20 AM

Think about this were am i most dangerous out partying or in a prison were I’ve got nothing to do but take magic off the devil we played them like a fiddle were did i get the stuff for my magic to take down the devil from the drugs they forced me to take we played them like a fiddle the date and time all in songs made well befor this we played them like a fiddle there’s a song by the kinks it gos i wish my life was a non stop Hollywood move we played them like a fiddle we tell what we want and they do it Covid 19 was in the Bible we played them like a fiddle and all they are doing is putting a higher price on there heads how long has the devil been around and it take me around 25 years to take all his magic of him i bet the Demonds a pretty fucked of with them and they want to go to hell with them with a price on there heads


Sep 11 at 03:40 AM

Like i say they are so predictable so now they are prolly going to try and keep me on the drugs so is that what i want or dose it not matter can i make it with out the drugs lets mess with there heads do i want the drugs or dont i witch every one you chose will be wrong


Sep 11 at 03:28 AM

I think the other side has come up with a plane y but thery are 6 mounts late for it to work why do you think i had a court case we gave you a chance i would not say things if it was Cristal to us wining we played them like a fiddle again they must be getting use to been played like a fiddle by now


Sep 10 at 10:14 AM

Prolly been 15 years since I’ve had penciling for a sickness only had 2 mild cases of Covid 19 and problem been 15 years since I’ve had a cold so who’s unwell


Sep 10 at 10:08 AM

The Bible dose say its not how you wash your hands that makes you clean its how you live your life do to others as you would have done to you


Sep 10 at 09:54 AM

And i bet the 4th or 5th of July next year is the date they picked and 6.30 is the time they picket to come for me i said they will pick the date and time of judgement day


Sep 10 at 09:44 AM

Kinda of funny the other day on here i posted on here i chose plane a and a few hours ago on fb they posted if plane a dont work there’s 25 other letters in the alphabet is so over us they dont know how to hide things hey im still on plane a after 24 years they on like w or x there’s a song by 4 non blonds it say 25 years trying to make it up this grunt big hill and the meat puppets lake of fire goes same again till the 4th of July that day in the USA is the 5th in nz ny birth and crosb still and natch has a song that says standing on a grave of some one who dived in 1799 and the day he died was a birthday and I nocited it was mine and sort of gos on about escaping the chrich so do we only have to make it to the 4th or 5 th of July next year Independence Day


Sep 10 at 08:49 AM

Had a pretty good week since Friday went to chech on my bee hives in June had no bees 4 hives wiped out went down Friday to stak one hive as cows knocke it over saw i had 2 hives with bees in them had them checked today for legal requrmints they were good heaps of young bees heaps of food must have hives in a good place for 2 swarms to move in like last Saturday i was going to buy 8 fruit but the person i asked to look at hive came a week rely then i hoped so decided to only by 4 fruit trees witch was good as could not have got 8 in I’ve learn if things dot go as you plan there’s a good reason for that when thing dot go well for me it uselly works out better later on when you look back so legend not to stress out when things dont go as planed


Sep 10 at 08:11 AM

You can’t rember the pain of a broken arm or punched lung you just know it heart but you can rember the pain that drove you to drive into a brick wall i driven a van for 30 min its with a broken arm and broken ribs befor the pain of going round corners got toi much and knowing i had 30 min it’s more in a city befor getting to the holstabl the things that happen when you jame the gas on on a motor bike so you can ride with no hands hit a rock and flipped the bike ended up facing the other way but didint get high enough to get it right