Stewart white


Jul 15 at 07:09 AM

Just as i was writing the last bit of the last post my inverter alums went off so are they freezing out the sings are every were if you are awake to them like when I’m thinking i look out the windo if 2 sparrows fly right its two fucking right if left wrong or a lone deer running scared the signs are every were if you look


Jul 15 at 07:02 AM

Think about this with all theses compeneys pushing for higher profits why are all the ports in city’s if the move to the country cheeper rates the land in city’s is worth heaps see views so some thing else must be keeping them there and why dose ukreen have a underground city at a stille mill port are they trafficking people



Jul 15 at 06:45 AM

Any country that had a no jab no job has committed a war crime instantly law say you can make anyone take expemalty drug with there full concentration no jab no job is not full concenn it black male and the nerberg treaty of around 1945 think its in Germany and these drugs did not do full try lies and a lot of them have been pulled from the market now if they were safe they would be still on the market and look how long they have been looking for cures for cancer and adis years yet Covid 3 months think about that


Jul 15 at 06:32 AM

You look at a fence post on a farm you only see half of it what about sky scrapers every story you go up you got to go down all the will blow down in a strong wind or earthquake so are ther under ground city’s in the city’s look at a spade you got a long Handel and a little in the ground and when you pull back the dirt pops up


Jul 15 at 06:27 AM

If you go back a few months and the meadi was saying Russia was committing war crims dont watch the news much but they said Russia was shelling buckler plants and then in the same segment said Russia controlled the buckler plant so was shelling there own men or do you think ukreen was shelling Russian troops then they go on about Russia shelling city’s and towns but all the footed i see ukreen troops are all in city’s and towns and Russian troops are in the country side its a war crime to use people as human shields and at the very start ukreen stoped any boy over 16 from leaving the country its a war crime to make any one under 18 fight so what i see ukreen is committing all the war crimes and did they not attack Russian city’s targeting Russian cilvens not me lite targets thats a war crim too


Jul 15 at 05:30 AM

If you want to try make hydrogen once you get the filter housing and battery going and getting gas put in a plastic bottal if it blows up you got some ting the might run a motor then get a cheep lawn mower you my get away with a big touch battery just play around befor going to big things the more people playing around the more we will find out like rain water might be best but floured might work as a conducted play around


Jul 15 at 05:20 AM

Rember if these people are going to lose billions from gas salis they will spend millions to Chang the things on the net like when i looked at worm juice it was 3n 3p 1.5k after i started posting that you could use it as a fert it basically had no Nik every thing in 2 weeks because i looked into it first then went back to check out some things and everything had changed dont trust the net now


Jul 15 at 04:10 AM

Don’t use salt as a conductor its very dirty and crosvife baking soda seem to work it did bubble i know dose work as was drilling a hole in bottal to put more salt in and the bottal blow up salt and water dont blow up so must be hydrogen I’ve been trying to big they throught they were clever by showing me things but as usely it blow up in there face and they showed a bike running on hydrogen it may have to be carbrated dont know if you can run gas throught injectors others will know i dont


Jul 15 at 03:43 AM

Been thinking if you get a clear filter housing put a plastic divider in and put 2 bits of threaded rod on each side of the divider you will keep the hydrogen and oxygen secret if the divider dont go all way to the bottom as bubbles should just rise and you wont get so much in motor just brought the filter housing today going to give it a go going to some small rubber hose around the edge of the plastic divider for better seal think if works it will be about 5c l for gas fuck the ritch


Jul 15 at 01:10 AM

And if god was the creater why is the world so fucked up and non of his folders could see it why is it me trying to make life ion earth better wouldn’t a loving father want his children to be happy on earth and make every one an equal look at gods world you have some billioners and others starving and if god was the creater i would have no way to improve it as the bible says not even a sparrow falls to earth with out gods permission so wars rape murders slavery thrift all have his permission or he’s a lifer the only thing the true creater could say is he dose his best to maintain an uneasy peace