Jordon Finehout

Tennessee Ridge, TN, United States

original 👑✨ KOL

Sep 10 at 01:38 PM

But not all these giants were bad it's just like anything else when it comes to creation some fell here and those sons of those went into hiding sleeping the long nap in Chrystal time suspension technology to wake up in a later time in date to rule when ready

Sep 10 at 01:37 PM

The Indians use to have wars with them great wars there was a kingdom of the giants towards the west side of America was mainly there grounds all the way out to black rock were there is still to this day car inganso old they can barely be seen unless u look good for the right angles to be made u naturally being hand made by what,or which hand is the question

Sep 10 at 01:34 PM

They even named our football teams after them go look at the names chiefs titans giants 49ers so on cowboys with the big Blue Star on the side it all goes towards what this show is all about

Sep 10 at 01:06 PM

Awesome can't wait for the adventure


Sep 10 at 12:44 PM

Karen my family is similar my great grandmother was pure Cherokee Indian a healer for them mixed with on my father's side Blackfoot and German/irish lol all fire blood tribes it's a hell of a mix I know


Commented on 👽💫

Sep 09 at 10:20 PM

Heart full ,Head light as a 🪶 no cellins.


Sep 09 at 09:00 PM

13 periods a yr not 12

Sep 09 at 08:55 PM

It's all been written already in the stars and we're made of this exactly

Sep 09 at 08:53 PM

Competition is betrayed as good for Americans but that is division at its best to separate or to believe something ur cheering for is greater than right but by this spirit they are dividing the people all with a smile on there face making it seem healthy but through this u can see how extreme just something as simple as a ball game can be it will create chaos if it goes that far and sometimes does even in sports look at the players get into arguments and even fight that isn't allowed bc of this on TV u see
