
Aug 04 at 05:44 AM

I’m curious as to where you are from Corinne? I’m in Geelong Australia. I also have noticed this on the train, tunnels and waterways. I’ve been told I’m crazy and it’s all in my head. 


Aug 04 at 05:41 AM

I don’t think you are doing the wrong thing at all by home schooling your child. I wish I had done the same with my children. 


Jul 30 at 06:30 AM

I hear people and doors slamming under my house. I can smell different smells eg. perfume, smelly socks, people that haven’t had a shower in a long time etc. I live in an old town that is close to a fort that was used in world war 2 and I’m sure there are tunnels all over the place.

Jul 30 at 06:25 AM

I’m not sure where your reply went but I did read it. I have not spoken to my ex husband or daughter for months now. But they are not actually my family members, they are the clones. This is how they are getting away with it. Every time I report my family missing I get told they are safe and at home. It I know this is not true. My son has also been cloned. I have photos to prove that they are different people, but the police have no interest in looking at the evidence.

Jul 30 at 05:06 AM

I’m a targeted individual Benita.

Jul 30 at 05:05 AM

Yes Alyssa you are completely correct! I’m already aware that I’m a targeted individual. I have been for 7 years now. The only thing I’m having trouble understanding is why do they clone your family members? Will I ever get them back? They keep saying don’t think don’t talk and they will give them back to me. I try to do what they say but it doesn’t work out. They have sent me on many goose chase’s. It’s getting worse! The last three nights I’ve heard my ex husband and daughter screaming for help and I can’t find them. Is it really them? They were saying they were in water and every time I had a thought they were putting their heads under water. They know I don’t have a car and every time I think I’m close, they move them. The whole town could hear them screaming and no one does anything to help me.

Jul 30 at 03:32 AM

A lot of terrible things! But as I said each day that goes by and these people don’t stop what they are doing I will post more details. Today I’m saying that they are cloning people. They tell me every time I think about what they are doing they hurt my daughter, so I need to be careful not to put her in anymore danger.