
Sydney, Australia

Aug 27 at 10:03 PM

For those interested in being approached by TLS, and if TLS deemed them to be suitable; is there a support cell option for those that may have skills in this area and may prefer not to be a frontline/field agent? For example, there may be individuals that are willing to contribute and have skill sets that may be useful, however their personal situation may preclude them from travelling overseas or away from home for extended periods.

P.S. Thank you Ray, TLS, Jason (and the team) and others for all their hard work and sacrifice…it is appreciated! 🙏💜


Aug 26 at 04:49 PM

Given that any one of these could be my utopia, it really is more to do with me than the location, as I’d appreciate any one of these! The real bliss is that they’re all introvert friendly 😂

Mountain living (if I really had to pick one based on the picture alone).


Aug 26 at 04:33 PM

If the constitution is suspended and COG is in place, then it is a “theatre-of-operation” to capture the deep state and awaken the masses whilst preventing civil war. Therefore, they will play the greatest tactical advantage to reveal their (deep state/cabal) ploys which is more important than the election. This effectively means that it will pan out exactly the way that will be needed to have the greatest impact for the operation.

What is necessary is for the people to not be infatuated with personalities/celebrities and to look at the results of what has been achieved between different administrations as facts, and not what is claimed, as there is a significant difference.

Focussing on the elections is a form of outsourcing. The elections are important, though they’re theatrics. If more people became aware beyond the campaign, then the covert operation would become overt and things could be cleaned up without people being divided as they would see it for what it is.


Aug 24 at 09:00 PM

Kimberly there are many sources available on the internet by searching. If you conduct a search and see what resonates with you, and remain open minded as you learn (if this is new to you), the information will come to you with the right intent.

An issue that may arise is that some sites may have distorted or inaccurate information, so it is important not to become fixated on any one philisophy or knowledge base. There should be many sources of information on this site that may assist you and it would be a quality source given the nature fo the site.

Aug 24 at 08:50 PM

You may need some more fire in there Val 😂😉

Does the green tick ✅ symbolise Admin/Mod?

May I follow you?

Aug 24 at 03:52 PM

1. 💨

2. Aether

3. Aether

4. 💨

5. 🌎

6. 💧


Aug 21 at 10:33 PM

Ashley Witcher I’m sorry that this happened to you.

For me it was the shunning of information that I had received and imparted to them as a group, not me as a person. They were open to receiving information, however they as a group were informed that my information was inaccurate (or not possible). As I’m a truth seeker, this had an enormous impact on me as I then questioned myself, which meant that I reflected on it to try make sense of why I was given information. A friend of mine was very encouraging and said to me that I should still trust my information because she knew that I was quite accurate in the past.

The information later surfaced in mainstream later on from multiple sources that validated my information (which is just information from the collective).

The time this unfolded in 2020/21 there was a lot going on for me and it became the best thing that could have occurred. So whilst it was difficult, it proved that we should trust ourselves more and remain openminded at the same time (which I did trust myself again after a period of time and before the information surfaced). I also appreciate my friend’s trust in me as she is a straight shooter.


Aug 21 at 07:28 PM

Mary Jo Weaver once again, very accurate. I have always been awake and connected with God/Source and have had most abilities from a very young age, and for personal reasons have not pursued them. Of course I’ve had many different paranormal and other types of experiences, have been successful with remote healing and the list goes on.

My ability to tap into the universal consciousness/wisdom may be the gift that you speak of, as this was pointed out in the galactic reading. The reason I say this is because there have been concepts that I have intuited that were shunned by those that were supposedly spiritually gifted (and they were), however they did not grasp the concepts. This was a valuable lesson for me in 2020, as what I knew was “my” truth, I was unable to explain it as these concepts has not surfaced yet, then these were later validated in the ensuing years. So I held my truth and realised that not everyone will understand the information until it is their time.

In this galactic chart she spoke of sharing wisdom and being a messenger/teacher (which I only started to read a few days ago) and I presume this may be the “gift”, as many “aware” people have made mention of the things I intuite and this information has been mentioned in other readings/regression. Given that my life and responsibilities are complex, I tend to support people through personal guidance using a combination of skills that best suits them, and have been doing this more so the past 5 years (free of course) as these indivuals have gravitated towards me.

It’s ironic, that many of the abilities that most people wish they had, I have these, however I shut them down as I do not need them. It’s like I know they’re there and this is validation enough of my origins, however it has not served my purpose. I have always been conscious of the intricacies of free will and knew this from a very young age which has been the reason for not pursuing or expanding these abilities. Additionally, I was led towards my Lyran history (at 18 or 19), as I believe that is the influencing factor of this Earth incarnation….like healing an old wound, however, also as a driver of the current mission.

Oh, the other part to mention is that I was informed that I was like a support worker for the light workers. As you pointed out regarding the “grounding”, this seems to have a healing effect when working with those with trauma (as I mainly work with women) and the feedback is that my energy/ presence helps them, and apparently compels them to open up and release. Whilst this is not so much a gift in the psychic sense, it does heal at other levels and this is what’s important for them, me, I just think that it’s my humour 😂. (This is all achieved through phone conversation to be clear). The is so much more I could mention, but these things seem to bear relevance to what you have mentioned.

I waffled on for a bit as I wasn’t sure if some of it may have been relevant to the chart. It’s nice to have confirmation from various sources, so I thank you for your input - it’s kindly appreciated. 🙏


Aug 21 at 07:55 AM

Mary Jo Weaver thank you, your time and effort is appreciated. 🙏

Last year I had a Galactic reading completed and this was extremely accurate too. It gave in depth information on galactic incarnations, some of which I was already aware of through various means. Louise Platt is her name, from Spiral Bright Light. I’m more of an intuitive so astrology has not been a field that I’ve pursued, though I do appreciate the accuracy of it and the information it provides.


Aug 20 at 10:23 PM

Mary Jo Weaver no. Astrology is not an area that I have any skills in, I have friends that are. I thought I’d share it in case someone was seeking a free chart. I should have placed a caveat in there to indicate that I do not have expertise in this area, though it seems to align with other ones that I have received.