
Sydney, Australia

Unfortunately when I open this post I accidentally clicked on the survey and selected the incorrect one. Though, any natural abilities used would be for the service to humanity…as is already the case with my abilities.

Aug 20 at 08:06 PM

I find that Jason already asks every question that I would ask, therefore, it’s not the question, it’s what’s permissible.


Aug 20 at 06:31 PM

It really depends on the individual what will be conveyed, as this determines the level of information communicated. Often, listening and waiting for another time when their mind is open is more effective than providing information. My reasoning is, empathy and active listening helps those that are able to reach the next step, this provides space for them on another occasion that you may meet. Finding a way to connect is important and this is dependant on the individual. My general advice is:

“An open mind and curiosity creates awareness.”

Aug 20 at 06:19 PM


Gemini 🌞, Aries 🌗, Sagittarius ⬆️

For anyone interested, you can create a free chart/account at www.Astro.com. Here is what that chart looks like:

Aug 20 at 05:11 PM

Marie, I think his answer already is that you cannot, except through frequency, by being the light through action.

Aug 20 at 05:08 PM

Karen I think some new missions are waiting for the next phase before they’re revealed, so it may mean that we do what is humanly possible to support others and serve the collective in the meantime - which is the case for me and some of my friends.


Aug 16 at 07:09 PM

Agreed. Though many are lured with the use of mind control and drugs into something they can be leveraged with, in which they are then compromised to do the bidding of these manipulators without their knowledge….and this is not consent.

Consent is vital for the dark to begin their infiltration program. The point is, if someone was set up and they had no control of the situation, and being despicable is not who they are by nature, then if this can be proven, they deserve to make amends, as this is a spiritual war, not just a kinetic war, though your comment is entirely understandable.🙏


Aug 15 at 04:06 PM

Lyran, though I have quite the history according to my galactic chart completed last year, this (Lyra) deeply related to my current earth mission and soul healing. Blue Ray (Nihal incarnation) was likely a more recent incarnation to prepare for this Earth incarnation (so I’m told). In 1988 I was guided to the Lyran concept and in 2023 introduced to “Blue Ray” via this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpk04DccKII for those interested. There are more interesting “existences” that are unrelated that predate these more humanoid/ homonid galactic incarnations, this being my first Earth incarnation, though I was here visiting as a scientist in the earlier times. Just sharing this for anyone that may relate. 🙏
