Shelli A. S.

Big Sky, MT, United States

A rain drop of my higher self on a journey through the darkness to get to the Source Light of the Divine Creator.

Aug 31 at 05:39 PM

Mary Jo Weaver and Barry Jenkins Sagittarius is exactly that at our best core. it's the rotten core that usually worries my family.But then my children are Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. 2 girls and a boy. I'm glad the boy is the Sagittarius.

Aug 31 at 05:13 PM

Mary Jo Weaver I am just beginning my journey into numerology, astrology and all that includes. I was doing my husbands and I ran into 11 over and over. I was hoping you could explain more to me. I am a quick learner when my ego stays out of the way looking for a mentor. I know my husband is a rare find for me, just wondering if that could apply to the whole universe. 🤣🤔

Aug 30 at 07:58 PM

I believe qfs is the One banking system that is supposed to be created by the Light for the collective. Ray or Jason please correct me if I'm wrong?


Commented on Third Eye Spies

Aug 23 at 08:41 PM

Division is caused by the belief that there is only one right way. That something or someone else's way is wrong. Gratitude love and appreciation for all

Aug 23 at 08:29 PM

The way you tell that story is mind gripping. I very much was caught up in it. Plz use that talent for Light Work. Gratitude love and appreciation to all


Commented on Conversations With Ray

Aug 14 at 08:38 PM

I can't wait there's nothing else to watch on TV if Jason and Ray's aren't on there.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Jul 27 at 06:40 PM

victor Gibson thank you I was looking for a specific book by him. and thank you for putting his name out there I really enjoy doing the research on him. gratitude love and appreciation

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Jul 27 at 06:35 PM

because Ray said in the beginning that TLS is not the only organization working with the light. so just because she's not directly associated with TLS doesn't mean Dolores wasn't associated with one of the other organizations. that's just my take on it. please let me know if I misunderstood this somewhere. gratitude love and appreciation for everyone

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Jul 27 at 06:32 PM

add me to that waiting list plz .

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Jul 27 at 06:26 PM

don't believe these comments the comments in YouTube those are the general collective. these people here have way too much money to waste on trolling instead of doing their research and looking at facts and making an educated god-given common sense deduction. I'm glad you got the money from the people you needed to, to get this up and running. so that the people that will use it and can benefit from it can now afford it so thank you to all that made that possible. gratitude love and appreciation to all.
