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Evanston South, Australia

Aug 30 at 04:10 PM

Wtf is with these Epstein fanboys? #Disclosure with public access #Dogclosure

Aug 30 at 04:07 PM


Aug 30 at 04:06 PM

Try precognition, esp, logic, intuition.

Aug 29 at 03:48 PM

Joseph Soulful Shabby >> Hello beautiful ppl, hope your enjoying the endless sunrise of the "newborn awakening" on the horizon. ✌️💫👽

Australia - South Australia - Kapunda (#2 most haunted town, satanic rituals, young souls trapped in the cemetery by evil cultist violations awaiting a blessings release 🙏♥️😇

Small remote 35klm from northern city suburbs. 8+ years, many happy amazing ppl coloured of joy yet all are under the guise of its dark history that looms in shadows by a law unto itself. As those of cloak control everything, & victims are treated as monsters. This is the way of the entire odd state. I have given my allness by energy & light, as to see & believe you realise the level of controlling fear fills all, brainwashed. Im the one voice, & the one they attack in all manners, were successful in 2021, i was dead for about 30 mins! This town need The Total Light System. 'They' monitor so much they know when i watch #Disclosure - They know my strength, they know im a TLS member, they h8 when RAY is on & harass with intention. ✊ Ambushed by 2 car loads last night. I waited for their reach & moved at the last second as 3 were about to grab & take me on a midnight drive to the bush. 🆘

Aug 28 at 01:26 PM

R if you dont speak of experiences learned, others like you will remain silent, & that my friend is the recipe that denies awareness & enlightenment! You must let go of fears & ego, others opinions if negative are only a reaction to something they fail to understand.


Aug 28 at 01:19 PM

Jessica Coy We already have an interstellar trade federation, have for decades.

Aug 28 at 01:12 PM

No i Think the technology now superceeds spiritual precision Lets say the craft would be fitted / programmed to co-ordinate & accomodate the reaching of any known destination. Man has advanced crafts (im sure uve seen the Tic Tac clip), its a boeing or skunk works reverse engineered tech. (It maybe Ratheon lol i forget. Im 100% ET's posses the tech u ask that can traverse dimensions & exceed the incorrect science regarding the speed of light being the maximum at which space travel can reach. •= To remote view or astral travel, we are capable of exceeding the speed of light, science is limited to laws of physics, doesnt factor in a spiritual variable.

Steven Greer is the Space Tech & Alien expert.

Aug 28 at 12:53 PM

Hollywood is there pet stage show, a place where they create their memes for all to see. Pandemic movies years before Covid, Zombie tv series in the recent passed, is them painting a portrait of us tomorrow! (So many examples, too many to mention).

Also the increased display of apocalyptic genres is the aftermath, our extinction. Its the "in plain sight" & "constant fear mongering" method to erode hope & weaken our belief of victory, as they know if 1/3 of us stood headlong, their chance of success drops to about 1% - Our mission is fairly easy, a planet reset is not available this time.. ✊


Aug 28 at 12:31 PM

Oh my that is a long speech 😆 Below! - Release yourself from all tethers of society, for if not society will not be.. (most important event battle of all)


Aug 28 at 12:30 PM

Yes all spare a thought for the typical "reversed label narritive", that the poor unarmed men women & children who are being sadistically terrorised by Nato fuelled nations further enriching their coffers & using the mass fake global media to spin defamation & use it for genocide on an unparalleled scale especially in this modern era. Take a moment to read into it & acknowledge this cowardly brutality is a sandpit skirmish in comparison to what may come, it only can proceed in this fashion if "we the ppl" & the true keepers of eachother, humanity & our planet they slowly stole for themselves. We are the majority, for we are the many, & we sympathise when our brothers & sisters suffer the most inhumane horrors as the world just watches. The mere presence of an intervention of 200,000 ppl making a stand in UNITY in that war zone would see its end. Yes i mean us, ordinary good ppl of say 6 - 7 billion are the true fearsome masses, our sheer numbers alone without weapons can stop tyrants in their tracks. (Its the small disinformation that creates inaction. The illusion that Israel is not the provocative evil, sells those in Gaza as terrorists & that alone by the worlds best of the worst spin doctors by seeds of doubt & "in lies we trust" keep us sitting on our asses instead of rising up & ending hundreds of years of purposed wars, that remove leaders in countries to replace them with a puppet regime who are contracted to join the Nato alliance. All the conflicts past & now have been of the same controlling greedy callous parasite collective who is gradually implementing the N.W.O! That comes to pass its check mate, we need to stand & make noise, while we still have a voice before they label us as terrorists & exercise their ability to engage above the Geneva convention they created in order to facilitate this intricate plan for Global Domination. (Facts; Bin Laden = cia asset not 911 terrorist mastermind, ww2, Iraq etc were stage show acts with a long game agenda!) And the murders of millions of innocence was just a necessary evil. 😠 Upon knowing the craftsmanship in which they unleash upon mankind places us as the force that will unite the other powers (russia / china) & oppose the one true evil for the tomorrows of all generations. "Planet Peace Revolutionary Guardians"! 🤔💪
