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Evanston South, Australia

Aug 28 at 11:34 AM

Are you referring to the "Hashashin", the order of assassins, who i believe became the Rosecrutions & other names & still exist today? (Though they tried very well in disconnecting the evidence of their original ties)!


Aug 28 at 11:29 AM

Interesting, as a child did u have a sense or an memories that felt like they werent yours, or a knowledge of something or place you have nvr heard of or been to?


Aug 28 at 11:18 AM

Wow never heard of a "skywalker", can you tell me what is its role & origin? (I know of lightworkers, starseeds, angel ? something) do they differ bcos they are of different star systems?


Aug 27 at 08:12 PM

Ahhh hello ppl, this is very casual forum, very relaxed. Humanity is the goal, the evil doers are killing ppl everyday with wars & their new virus! Anyone like a latte?

Sirius is motivated, serious & fairly prepared. I think TLS & Ray are truly inspirational, but without communication its hard to know if this is a Facebook discussion forum about the possible end of humanity itself
====>>> Heres what i think needs to happen <<<===
Hate Division War is what binds the world & sends us to attack one another by order of fatcats who hide behind desks, profiting from arms sales & deaths. All for a political agenda! 2024 years since they reset time & rewrote a book full of rules to control mankind. Sacrifices & Psychopaths isnt what the ppl want running the globe. Equality & Peace for humanity to unite, & reclaim our planet set things right.
Or just slave on & watch 6 billion die, As NWO kill unarmed women & children in Palestine, & push M Pox (or watever it is) on 3rd world countries killing millions. Distracted by fake news about Hamas its hard to fathom whats really going on. But they are the real terrorists. Love & healing wont achieve anything Jason, that comes after. People & Power now to remove the scum, as they have already begun.
@@@@@ HERE @@@@
Uniting with Sirius Disclosure is the first step, huge legal team, military, rich powerful & influencial ppl pledge their cause. Then Ickonic with mighty David Icke, his knowledge of their structure & weakness we need his mind. His ability to empower the ppl with his uncanny wisdom of the entire agenda he eliminates doubt.
My lifes purpose:: Abilities from birth Chosen One (leadership) Bares the seal of God! 🤨 'M' The Healers mark. - Spiritually, Physically, Mentally Prepared. Posses much knowledge, history & the now, past lives / reincarnation/ killed by the Parasites in 2021, came back to life 20 minutes later (no cpr attempted) & 20yrs of ongoing attempts to remove me from the equation. Profound connection to the divine & the universe, highly intuitive, great sense to frequencies, illuminator for the chosen. You are all chosen! - im in the wrong country & behind E lines. Need extraction asap 👽

Aug 27 at 07:31 PM

Very good, motivation & support. Seeing ppl talking of plans it shows how some understand that time is critical. With crazy Israel & the new Virus, millions will die by this time next year!

Leaders of chosen ones rise & illuminate the ppl.

Im a little concerned that the main 3 groups are sitting around focused on the selling of products!

Jason needs to post in his forums, instill hope & show he is aware of the need to rally. And show face to supporter's.


Aug 27 at 07:08 PM

This isnt a fried drug forum for keyboard cowboys on an attention seeking tangent spamming 2 liners of tounge tied crimes for those who only post for likes!

Im not being rude, trust me i could be. Here is mainly beautiful ppl who come to share aspirations & learn about spiritual growth for unity & meet kind ppl who share advice. Free yourself of EGO before tooting your own horn of self praise about your one eye looking to fight.

Hate Division War is what binds the world & sends us to attack one another by order of fatcats who hide behind desks, profiting from arms sales & deaths. All for a political agenda! 2024 years since they reset time & rewrote a book full of rules to control mankind. Sacrifices & Psychopaths isnt what the ppl want running the globe. Equality & Peace for humanity to unite, & reclaim our planet set things right.

Or just slave on & watch 6 billion die, As NWO kill unarmed women & children in Palestine, & push M Pox (or watever it is) on 3rd world countries killing millions. Distracted by fake news about Hamas its hard to fathom whats really going on. But they are the real terrorists. Love & healing wont achieve anything Jason, that comes after. People & Power now to remove the scum, as they have already begun.

Uniting with Sirius Disclosure is the first step, huge legal team, military, rich powerful & influencial ppl pledge their cause. Then Ickonic with mighty David Icke, his knowledge of their structure & weakness we need his mind. His ability to empower the ppl with his uncanny wisdom of the entire agenda he eliminates doubt.

Aug 27 at 05:48 PM

Im not even going to troll through a Hollywood Stage script with no basis. Back story that would suggest your being legitimate. And to quote "reap what you sow" is same as "making your own bed & you will lie in it" both negatives refering to accepting punishment for bad actions.

Ranting rhythms of talk th

@jon west

A lot of ppl devote a lot on time

Aug 27 at 05:38 PM

The Light System! 🤔🤨

Na im certain TLS = The Lazy Sheep 😁⁹

Aug 26 at 12:46 PM

What do you see in you? Step one, to understand Ray & know he's busy & deserving of our respect & effort. Think about his past lives & the fact he's a multi dimensional being! Is astonishing


Aug 26 at 12:41 PM

Dianne @Dianne - learn about the true story of the "fallen Angles", don't look to the modified bible.. YouTube or the Book of Enoch, has all the secret facts.
