Crystal Knell

Oct 09 at 02:18 PM

I haven't followed one bit of the news about the election.  It is such a farce with so much corruption, I won't be voting.  I realized a long time ago that our votes really don't matter.  We need to be doing things locally with our local government and support those closest to us.  I am sure either way, our country is in for a different way of living.  Look at the most recent disasters and the lives lost and culling that is happening.  It is no coincidence that the SE is being hit with two hurricanes, one right after another.  I sure hope that TLS is trying to do something about them, and if they aren't able to, why?

I just know that the door to the communistic countries and evil doers are wide open and instead of focusing on something we have no control over, we should be focusing on what we can, local government and helping each other. 

Oct 09 at 02:11 PM

I read through before I decided which book to bring and that is such a hard one!  I am so all over the place that I would want more than one!  Just a tote bag full maybe?!

But just settling on one, it would have to be the Bible  and possibly the code to go with it!  I also would like the Church of Latter-day Saints Book of Mormon too with the Doctrine of Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as well.  They make it a quad so that would work!  And the codes to go with them and a notebook!  I can't just read without making notes and such.  

Oct 09 at 02:05 PM

Please provide your email.  I am compiling a list right now as we speak!


Oct 09 at 02:01 PM

Please provide your email so I can get you on the list!  I am compiling it right now!


Oct 09 at 02:01 PM

Please provide your email so I can get you on the list!  I am compiling it right now!


Oct 09 at 02:01 PM

Please provide your email so I can get you on the list!  I am compiling it right now!

Oct 09 at 12:15 PM

Jada C. I think we should do Teams. Or we could do Zoom. I have more experience with Teams, unless someone else has a different we nt preference. I will get an email sent out this afternoon with more info. Please, if anyone wants to call me please do. 1-801-721-4703


Oct 09 at 10:49 AM

I will start compiling a list this week. How does Friday or Saturday sound for a first meetup? Just a "get to know you" session? We can also brainstorm live on how we want this to look? Jada, can you get me your email? I will email to everyone with all the emails so we can share emails in one space! I can even get a doc going to add emails as they come. How does this sound to everyone. Please comment your preferred day and what time frame works best for you! I can't wait to get this going!

Oct 08 at 10:31 PM

The first link is broken!  Help!

Oct 08 at 10:30 PM

another plane of existence.  Of if my soul is divided and  I am seeing things that my soul is doing.  Though, some of the dreams are really bizarre!  I wish I could find someone that can help me without charge, because right now I really need guidance and help.  My soul needs help!  

Anyone else out there like this?