Crystal Knell

Oct 09 at 02:01 PM

Please provide your email so I can get you on the list!  I am compiling it right now!

Oct 09 at 12:15 PM

Jada C. I think we should do Teams. Or we could do Zoom. I have more experience with Teams, unless someone else has a different we nt preference. I will get an email sent out this afternoon with more info. Please, if anyone wants to call me please do. 1-801-721-4703


Oct 09 at 10:49 AM

I will start compiling a list this week. How does Friday or Saturday sound for a first meetup? Just a "get to know you" session? We can also brainstorm live on how we want this to look? Jada, can you get me your email? I will email to everyone with all the emails so we can share emails in one space! I can even get a doc going to add emails as they come. How does this sound to everyone. Please comment your preferred day and what time frame works best for you! I can't wait to get this going!

Oct 08 at 10:31 PM

The first link is broken!  Help!

Oct 08 at 10:30 PM

another plane of existence.  Of if my soul is divided and  I am seeing things that my soul is doing.  Though, some of the dreams are really bizarre!  I wish I could find someone that can help me without charge, because right now I really need guidance and help.  My soul needs help!  

Anyone else out there like this?

Oct 08 at 10:29 PM

I have always had a deep yearning for home, not knowing exactly where that is.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  And believe me, listening to Jason, Ray and a host of others, I have begun to deeply question all that I have been taught.  I was not raised in the Church and so therefore, I feel as though my beliefs have been more solid and right.  

I do see so many similarities to what the Church teaches and what I am learning through Unifyd TV.  I even have frequent discussions with my mother about this very thing.  And I am not totally sold on a lot of things, but I am beginning to question and seek answers.  

There is a lot that the Church doesn't teach that I am a firm believer in and will always be.  I just know that there is a place I call home, and I am not there...yet!

I am just not sure about what, where and who I am exactly.  I dream every night and wonder if most of my dreams are remembrances of past lives, of if I am astral traveling to...

Commented on post was deleted

Oct 08 at 10:20 PM

I am so sorry for the things you and your family/friends are going through.  I agree that this is the beginning of the end.  We should all prepare like they are doing on the SW coast.  There is only more to come and being prepared is something that we should all be.  

Prayers for you and yours that recovery is quick, and you get the support you need!

Oct 08 at 10:18 PM

I love this idea.  I think there is more that needs to go into it though.  Like someone that is a moderator and can help with the content of each meet up.  We need to make sure that each meeting is uplifting and wholesome and on the same path as what we are all trying to achieve with being a part of Unifyd TV and Jason.  

Also, if we could do something that is public and share it with others around the world, then that would help to create a bigger impact than just what we are doing for members.

Just a few quick thoughts! 

Oct 08 at 10:15 PM

I have a couple of people that I follow on FB and they are both in mandatory evacuation mode right now.  At least at the time that I watched the vides, they are probably already evacuated.  Except the one is a doctor and I am sure will be busy again at the hospital, I just know that the devastation was horrible the first time around and now again, it will be worse.  The debris from Helene isn't even taken care of because of the damage done, and now Milton will be adding to it with major winds!  

FEMA was saying they were out of money as well!  What has happened?  It is the beginning of the end I fear.

Prayers to all in the path of both hurricanes.  I wish I could help!



Oct 08 at 10:12 PM

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but what do you all think of the two hurricanes, one right after the other in Florida?  First Helene, then FEMA saying there isn't any money to help, and now Milton.  There is no such thing as a coincidence.  I think there is a lot that is happening right now and I wonder how much TLS is involved.  If they could have stopped the hurricanes, why not?  I seriously don't believe that they are natural occurrences.  Am I just reading into things or am I on the right track?