kellie w

Erie, PA, United States

Oct 21 at 05:33 PM

Most def ty so much


Oct 21 at 05:31 PM

Ty so much n I'm sorry u went thru it cus it's not a pleasant feeling. Ya i had so many people spraying me with something that was burning my skin my dog's were tortured one was poisoned to where they killed her puppies. They always threatened to hurt my kids n dog's if i talked. I never stayed silent fuck that... It did slow down but now I'm starting to notice it's starting back up n i don't wanna get to that point again....

Oct 21 at 05:26 PM

Derrick Graham ty so much. Ya it was real bad my dog's were being tortured my car was rigged to where fumes were coming thru under my driver seat i was getting hints to watch out for electrical lines like they really tried to take me out. Listening n recording conversations n so much more...i finally connected with someone who actually went thru the same thing we were shocked all the way down to they use there fingers to do illusions it's crazy but i was so happy to find someone that doesn't call me crazy..

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Oct 17 at 04:08 PM

I'm in. Never felt like i belong here anyways.