kellie w

Erie, PA, United States


Oct 20 at 08:28 PM

I have a question for Jason i would really appreciate it if u can ask Ray about gang stalking/community stalking. I'm going thru it for the past year and it got so intense to where i lost my home, car, almost killed myself over this. As of right now it calmed down but i know I'm still being watched. Now ever since now i been getting videos popping up that I'm one of God chosen ones. I do possess gifts that many do not, idk if that has something to do with it. I have noticed a quick weight loss skin looks younger n i did notice changes in my body to where my body gets so hot i can't stand it, or cold. I know how to use my third eye n it's gotten so much better. My energy has caused me to pretty much b a loner n it's hard allot of times. I'm very spiritual n don't feel like i fit into this society. So i been dealing with allot of depression n anxiety. But i would love to hear what n if any thoughts on this topic. Some say it's demons some says it s government. I been getting videos popping up saying government is after me cus i possess evidence that can put a damper on things. I just don't know what to believe. I just know i got evidence n it's really weird out here being followed seems like it's by everybody. Ty