
Ridiculous hunger for knowledge. A fast firing brain. Seeker of; rabbit holes, truth and peace. Hopeful of a world living as one 💖

Jan 30 at 07:46 AM

Akhi exactly!!

Jan 29 at 10:53 AM

I think this is the part that is getting me. It was TLS that guided Jason to Dr Michael, it was also said TLS could not be affiliated with the EEsystem, yet the new system has their name?

Jan 29 at 10:44 AM

I know and honestly at first I had a lump in my throat. Jason genuinely looked upset and drained and wasn't his usual smiley bubbley self. But by watching it through a second time I was just left with so many questions and the thought that, sorry Jason, this explanation just isn't enough. It's not good enough for everyone who has followed the word of; Jason, TLS, Dr Michael etc.

We are shrouded in a world where we are lied to and controlled over and over. It isn't fair to expect everyone to just take Jason's word in what is being said during that video and not question; legitimacy, intention, honour, integrity. Especially given the whole video is around dishonesty and people being untrustworthy and misleading.

Personally, I have questioned things when it comes to; Jason, Unifyd, TLS etc. Understandably. I would never follow someone's word blindly. But I so want to believe in Jason and TLS, but when it comes to money and mistrust, my gut starts to feel uneasy.


Jan 28 at 08:03 PM

Olga it's literally got the same name as the organisation. It just doesn't sit right. Given Jason has always said TLS couldn't be directly involved with the EEsystem 🤷🏾‍♀️ I honestly don't know how I feel right now

Jan 28 at 08:01 PM

Jan 28 at 08:00 PM

Olga I'll have a look I didn't bother reading down after I read Jason's comment 💖

Jan 28 at 07:57 PM

I've actually watched the video twice to digest it 😢💔


Jan 28 at 07:56 PM

I think Jason implied both systems would still be Unifyd but Unifyd will be concentrating on the light system. Which I think is totally unfair on all the people who invested. Jason also said the new systems would be more affordable, prices don't seem any different to me really. It's all just really very questionable and I'm going to bed with a heavy heart tonight


Jan 28 at 07:53 PM

Apparently so, my issue here is, as I understood it, TLS were the ones that pointed Jason on that path 💔

Jan 28 at 07:51 PM

It seems the new system has been developed by the original developer who had his design stolen. It's actually hurt my heart. And planted a little seed of doubt about all that is Unifyd, including TLS 😢💔 think it will take a little more that a 30 min YT video for me to be OK about what Jason has said tonight if I'm honest 💔
