
Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 12:33 PM

Michael Baska this goes for all religions.

But some people who cause harm are not Satanists. And by calling all those who revel in evil Satanists literally give power to their idea of satan and evil. It gives 'the idea of satan an evil' way more credit than it deserves, in my opinion.

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 12:23 PM

Mikey cause he calls what he doesn't believe in "bullshit" rather than giving a real answer from source.

Personally I have not yet asked this question about the ghosts of our world. The Spirits. And with my knowledge that oir energy comes from the same source, and the knowledge that our own thoughts can create separate entities/attachments/gods/demons (human perspective, they are all energy), it is a good question as to what these other forms (ghosts) are? And the idea of possession, I believe is when thoughtforms/created attachments are somehow created with desire, wait something coming in right now is saying there exists jealousy of the physical life in that which our human minds have created. They are mutations of spirit and man. And these creations, when they somehow harness the human feeling of jealousy and desire, do not want to only exist to feed. They want to be that which made them.

But what are ghosts? Lost souls?

Sometimes they are souls that - there's more than one veil. This is coming in.

There's more than one veil, and when someone people die unknowingly, or unexpectedly, they are not within their spirit enough to be able to decide there next move. These are the souls that don't remember their source or their contracts. I cannot fully understand all that is coming in. But it seems that ghosts forget there source and they either forget their physical life, or they lived there physical life without the knowledge of where they came from. They get stuck in the unknowing of spirit, a veil that was only created because of human limitations in mind. This place can someone's be seen as a hell, but is not the human idea if hell.

I think things are getting lost in translation here.

I'm not so good with channeling it just happens.

But someone is trying to answer your question through me.

And those who passed on whom help us, our ancestors and loved ones, are not ghosts. What the human deems a ghost is a soul that is lost, they often refuse to go back to source and are not lost. <--- interesting.

They are another sphere of energy created between man and spirit. Just like the veil.

But they are souls. How are they created by man?

Self created. Altered somehow. But they do not stay lost forever. Okay I'm getting lost.

Many angels are created for the purpose of redemption. This does not mean redeeming evil. It means bringing those lost back to source. Some humans are able to help with this process. Sometimes the guost is in many pieces separated from itself, and this also creates more confusion. Salvation, redemption, is bringing these ghost pieces together to make it whole, there by allowing it's whole spirit to become one again and pass through the altered veil.

It's also said that this veil seems as an abomination, but it serves to also protect, to keep certain forms in the same area, like keeping a specific population together for the reason of unity and to avoid the confusion causing harm. But sometimes entities pierce these veil. As there are many. That separate upon frequency. Lost souls and pieces of souls have a specific frequency, and this is why they have a particular feel.

Do ghosts try to possess?

Some can try, only due to them believing they are returning from whence they came. This is the confusion.

I apologize.

Hope this helped somewhat. I apologize if it's confusing. It just came in.


Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 11:49 AM

Bianca Bell-Chambers amd oir spirit is one, but our physical bodies are separated.

People get so spiritual that they live to ignore our physical existence. The answer is to understand oir true nature and to learn to live in the physical world.

Learning to widen our perception through lessons inherent.

Not to ignore it all together. We need to understand physical life principles to be healthy in our physical life. But still understand we are of the same spirit and come together energetically through mind, and love.

Seeing the Grey between everyone dual perspective means compassion and understanding.

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 11:44 AM

Bianca Bell-Chambers

Duality is not an illusion in our PHYSICAL existence. Only where we come from.

Time ages us, and space is what we take. These are illusions of our spiritual existence, but not in our physical world. And they have purpose in our physical world. The sun raises and sets, and mathematics which is the language along with symbols between where we come from and our physical existence, was what helped align these simple principles of physical life.

If you read my message thoroughly, you would see this is why I said it's a way of human perception. That aside I wasn't fully clear on when I said ciest to exist. What I meant was our physicality.

And thank you and I do recieve my messages from a main source. I do rely in the God light within me for many answers. Some I fill in the space. And I'm always open to a new perspective.

This however was not what I meant when explaining what I was explaining.

The source gave me this information to help me better understand duality. S/he said in our world of spirit it is NOT black and white as it seems to be of duality nature to the human mind. Because spiritually we are all of the same, this is why no one is pure evil or pure good. That it is perspective.

And I also did state that we create our world. Again it seems you didn't fully read but spang out off a trigger maybe of something you disagreed with. It's okay. I'll say again. We create that which we don't know. In the other side, these creations often become abandoned due to our own growth in frequency and vibrational energy. In our human form, our existence is purely to expand the inner selves and the mind which is our God source, the source of what created us and of who we are.

But in physical reality we DO have actual limitations. These principles help us understand how to utilize what we have during this time.

Tell the person who has been in prison for 30 years since he was 15 that we create our own reality in this physical world.

We create what is unseen, but we do not have full control over what we create due the unimaginable to think of worst before best and self-harm.

These attachments are seen as evil, the ones we create, but there not. That was my point. They are only doing what they were created ro do, and they need energy of lower frequency (like an addict in active addiction who suffers) to feed it. Cause likely someone like the active user unintentionally created it. And being in that low place is also a feeling of its own kind of evil. In the physical. I speak from experience.

There may be things I'm forgetting. Messages are pouring in right now more so to correct my mishap than to correct you. As I said I'm always up for perspective, but I believe in the source more so than the human mind. Of which you referred me too...

But this is about the physical experience and they way humans are able to percieve that which the left brain, which is commonly used, can't seem to fully understand.

Duality being as common perspective among the physical. Whether it's an illusion or not, my point was that in the spirit world it doesn't exist. And you cannot remove the perspective from those who experience in their daily life whether it was of their creation or not, but it does exist in the physical world. Of which which we have much in that creation. It all starts with a thought then a word

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 11:20 AM

Satan is not real. Satan amd "the devil" was a mistranslated. If you look up the definition, and understand that this was perspective and that christian translated this into a being.

If you also understand how hebrew is translated and it's origin of picture Egyptian glyphs. You got pictures, amd sound, and that's what's translated.

When you put the Sun with the hands, you get the idea of praise.

This also leads to mistranslation too tho. Cause translating these languages is only done through ones perspective. And that's what Christianity translated. Perspective.

Satan is actually barely mentioned at all. The devil is just about evil or being against God.

Satan is not real


Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 11:07 PM


Commented on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 10:55 PM

We create the demons yes, but they become entities outside of us and live. Due to energy and thoughtforms. When someone creates an idea, more people lend belief to it and lend energy to it, it becomes it's own entity.

This is where, "if you stop believing in them they will die" comes from.

This creates attachments which need more energy to feed. We create them. But they are energy forms that eventually live outside of us, especially if our growth exceeds their creation.

Source created us through thought alone, and the word. We only live due to the balance - polarity. Masculine and feminine or yin and yang was the split of source.

The moment all good and bad come into balance and into each other, we cease to exist. There has to be bad if there is to be good. Free will gave us this.

With source energy in us, our thoughts and words have power. But we don't understand what we create. And our human minds cannot conceive polarity on the other side. In our physical reality it's good and evil, black and white. Where's the grey? Everywhere. In between.

Luke what he said between birth but I agree theres Grey there but that's due to trauma. People who do evil things are not always evil people. And the other way, just because someone shows a good side doesn't mean they are good people and don't have their own agenda. It's not so "black and white. And anyone who truly understands the spirit world should understand this. Ray does not know the answer to every question, but pretending he basically does and that things he doesn't know about is "bullshit" shows he cannot be fully trusted.