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August 03
• Edited (Aug 03, 2024)

Lost in the World of DARK,
I have no hope & want to stay parked.
Feeling the "feels", while spinning my "wheels"
I want to go sleep & to just take a pill.

Lost in the World of GREY,
I think nothing here gets in my way.
Feeling no "feels", & spinning no "wheels"
I want to feel love & learn how to "deal".

FOUND in the World of LIGHT,
I know my soul is all snug & tight.
Feeling the thrills, while climbing up hills
I want to stay here,...infinity to Nil.

How do I make it?,...How do I fight?...
To know when there's darkness,
Soon to follow will be light.
ALH 8/2024

August 27
• Edited (Aug 27, 2024)

Soul Sessions will be taking place September 5th!

Join in LIVE to share the challenges you are facing and receive one-on-one guidance from Jason!

We love these sessions as they empower those brave enough to share and inspire those who are watching.

There's always something to take away from the conversations.

See you there next week at 7pm EST!

February 21

What films would you like to see on UNIFYD TV?🎬

We are looking to expand our library!

Leave a comment below to let us know about your favorite films or films you wish you could watch on this platform that you think would benefit this community.

Anything that falls under the categories of self empowerment, conspiracy theories, supernatural, healing, health and wellness, etc. as long as they are not exclusive to one specific platform already.

If you can provide a link, even better!

December 08, 2023
• Edited (May 09, 2024)

God is real.. thank you Jesus for this precious life you have given me. Jesus is the one true truth.. everything else is suspect to being complete bullshit and hogwash. Our reality consist of one large biological plane of existence which is perceived by us, the observers in order to bring back experience to the one true creator, God. The truth is coming out slowly but one thing I do know after today, you can read through my 1000 plus posts and see my belief systems fluctuate from this to that, as I searched and scoured each and every philosophical theory of why we are here and who we are.. I came to the profound conclusion that basically everything that we have been taught from grade school is a lie and is bullshit.. I would say like 98% is wrong and bullshit. Once I learned the true nature of our existence I started being able to see everything for what it is.. bullshit. Sighing off..™ ©J®

May 05

I need help, I'm in a FEMA camp in hb the tents on the corner of beach and slater. I've been here for almost three years. You can look up ACLU socal website And see the the homeless situation and courts keeping this going there. I have seen many die here. You cannot walk out of here. Major civil rights violations involved. If you think the adults are treated bad, the homeless kids in the state are much worse. The state stole 25 billion meant for the homeless. The use some of the money to keep us homeless or create homelessness and stole the rest. Ca state audit just released says it all. This is in America. This is what's coming across the country. TLS or whoever this site claims to be would know of publicly known situations like this, especially with he kids. They wouldn't just know all this other stuff and wrap fancy stories around quant energy weapons from gateway defectors that turned rogue. And it's easy to train and explain the gateway methods or hemi sync if they wanted to just show it here. So I'm not buying it. If you wanna help our country and children and adults that need help right now, and I'm talking to the community in this forum, not the entertainment company that owns this page, if the real people here wanna help then please do it now before anyone else gets hurt.
Action is the fruit of knowledge
My action to write this and try to get everyone out of here puts me in grave danger.
Commenting here on my post and asking me to do something or referring me to someone to help is NOT ACTION.
Call your referral and tell them to help us. Do something real, dont respond to this and pat yourself on the back. That's not action. Everything you need to know I just stated.
Help us and dont buy into the bs. The state robbed our country for 25 billion using grants and non profits. It's enough to give every homeless person 150k each in the state. They are using id theft and many other crimes to get that much money per homeless person and they are using the homeless kids too and I'm sure it's beyond just cooking the books.
Help us. Ty

September 04
• Edited (Sep 04, 2024)

Good morning UNIFYD Family!💜

We want to hear from YOU.

When you think of UNIFYD TV or UNIFYD as a whole, what comes to mind?

How would you describe us and what we are? We would love to get your personal perspective on what we represent to you, what you think the meaning of this platform is all about, and whatever else comes to mind when you think of UNIFYD!

It is important to us that we have a clear picture of how our members and community view our brand, platform and the UNIFYD movement.

Please share with us, what UNIFYD means to you below!💜👇

Thank you for your answers🙏

August 03

Sometimes you just have to see the earth for all it’s beauty and realize everything was meant to be perfect and we were placed here to enjoy this creation!

September 12

In nz they are saying that inflashion is i think 0.4% and fruit and veges is down so big corporations are makeing more and the farmers are getting less so they are takeing money out of the ecomeny to give to the ritch

September 12

Kinda of strang in nz they are saying fuel is dropping and we have to import all our gas yet in the USA they are saying its still high and you produce a lot of your own fuel why is it not dropping over there

September 12

So they are saying gas is dropping here and Russia still can’t sell oil and all there’s corporations still want there profits it must mean less demand witch must mean less people