March 15

Break free from poverty consciousness!💸

Poverty consciousness stems from the belief that there isn't enough money, resources and more to go around.

For those that struggle, it is easy to say that someone else's success comes from their upbringing, background, luck, etc. while keeping themselves in a victim mentality for being "less fortunate".

The beliefs you hold around this then get reflected back to you in your reality. If someone is struggling financially, they often see others around them who struggle as well, affirming a certain belief that they have about money. If someone is struggling to find a job or fulfilling career, they might start to meet others who are experiencing the same struggle. If a person surrounds themselves with others who are constantly struggling to find a loving partner, it can reaffirm the belief that "dating is hard" or that "there aren't any good ones left".

However, if this was the case, there wouldn't be people in this world living two completely different realities: one affirming a sense of lack and one affirming a sense of abundance. The difference between the two is what group they choose to identify themselves with.

One of the biggest takeaways people had from The Transformation Event was around dropping the labels we give ourselves. That act alone is enough to create a shift in your reality.

Check out the article below to learn more steps and strategies that can help shift you towards an abundance mindset.👇