July 18

Fear blocks your first chakra.

The lack of smiles and pleasure blocks your second chakra.

Your lack of action blocks your third chakra.

Hate blocks your fourth chakra.

Not saying what you feel blocks your fifth chakra.

Focusing only on the bad in life blocks your sixth chakra.

Your lack of peace of mind and meditation blocks your seventh chakra.

If one chakra is blocked it interferes with the others.

If your first chakra is blocked, your finances do not advance.

If your second chakra is blocked, your sexuality and creativity do not wake up, preventing a partner from arriving.

If your third chakra is blocked, your projects will not go as you wish.

If your fourth chakra is blocked there will be no love in your life, neither to give nor to receive.

If your fifth chakra is blocked, your decrees will not be heard.

If your sixth chakra is blocked, your gift of clairvoyance, perception and intuition will not activate.

If your seventh chakra is blocked, your life will be in chaos.
Now you know what to do to improve.
Author Unknown