August 16

Happy Friday Everyone!💜 This morning I want to hear from YOU!

We all know about Hollywood and some of the sinister things that stem from it. The rabbit holes are endless. Predictive programming from their movies, subliminal messaging, MK Ultra, secret "parties" and everything else in between. 

But remember when "Ray" says that there are members from TLS all over the world? Some we would have never expected? Even Public figures with big names that we all know? 

Let's talk about some of the big names and celebrities that may be in fact, working on the side of humanity!

Are there movie stars or artists that have been trying to helping humanity?

Have some celebrities managed to escape hollywoods evil and become independant and free again?

Are there public figures who are strategically trying to infiltrate and change negative narratives?

Let's create a new perspective today!💪

Let us know in the comments, Who do YOU think is actually working for the better of humanity?!👇