July 23

May the next person who enters your life have a similar vibe to yours. May it bring you that desire to venture out and believe in love again. May it give you that nice feeling of home and make you feel free to be yourself.
May that next person not make you promises. Just be someone willing to show through your attitudes that you want him in his life.
That is someone willing and mature, to understand that not only love lives a relationship. That a relationship is built day by day, in overcoming challenges, in patience with the specifics of each one, in affection, in companionship and in the partnership of those who will not let go of your hand on the first bad days.
May it be a person who strengthens you, instead of making you question your own value and your ability to love and be loved.
Let it be a person that you don't have to force for it to stay or show affection. May it come in the natural rhythm that unites hearts.
I wish this for the next person who appears in your life: let it be light!
That's enough to make things easier, to help you love yourself more and to show that real relationship shouldn't be a test, but a portal for the inner growth of those who meet through love.
Via Himmat Singh