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November 16

When does "disinformation" become a conspiracy to commit mass murder?

November 21
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118 votes
December 08, 2023
• Edited (May 09, 2024)

God is real.. thank you Jesus for this precious life you have given me. Jesus is the one true truth.. everything else is suspect to being complete bullshit and hogwash. Our reality consist of one large biological plane of existence which is perceived by us, the observers in order to bring back experience to the one true creator, God. The truth is coming out slowly but one thing I do know after today, you can read through my 1000 plus posts and see my belief systems fluctuate from this to that, as I searched and scoured each and every philosophical theory of why we are here and who we are.. I came to the profound conclusion that basically everything that we have been taught from grade school is a lie and is bullshit.. I would say like 98% is wrong and bullshit. Once I learned the true nature of our existence I started being able to see everything for what it is.. bullshit. Sighing off..™ ©J®

August 21

Hey folks, I am going to assume you have watched TLS series, Disclosure series, Pyramid Codes, SIRIUS. Also, I assume you believe Trump's assassination failure was because he had Divine Intervention. I too have had some Divine Intervention. I can't begin to tell you how dire of a situation our country is in. I am the last person you will ever see freak out and I am not freaking now, that's because I'm prepared. Do any of you have stocks? Sell them! Get your money out of the banks, it is getting that close. 

Elon is on our side and have you heard what he just did? He has bought Google and Youtube? Do you know why he did that? Because the same people who tried to kill Trump and before that held a bogus trial have just hit Google with too much to pay out. If Google and Youtube goes there goes our last outsource. 

Listen, Donald had damn well better win the election. He is a sincere American as is his whole family whose lives are all at serious risk. 

I intend to penetrate the Justice System here, not with guns, but by arresting the judges and lawyers who are blatantly  violating everything America stands for. 

Do you know who is behind this? Did you know they have put a plan in effect just after WWII for what we face today? Did you know Germany could have won WWII but didn't want to because they couldn't have conquered the whole world. WWII was just a test run and I'd say they got it down pat this time. 

What happened at the end of WWII? The Nazi's left Europe via the Vatacan over to Argentina. What is Argentina Close to? AntArctica where the Nazis have massive underground bases. They had around 2 million kids and others in tunnels there that they mind controlled. 

Anyway,  if you are willing to help and have skills, even  if it's only farming I got one hell of a secure place here with several empty homes on it.  How about it, bring your pets, I have fenced in yards, room for a horse or two. 

Let me ask you this question? When's the last time you were asked to come help save the world?

Is there any way to locate a legitimate Attorney to hire and I don't care what state they are from. I mean one that holds firm to their ethics and honor's their oath, rules of court and obeys the law, that may be shown some respect to push back on the Justice System. I have gone through 8 attorneys that I paid, who did not work for me and have had 3 judges and they are all bad. It's like Trump said, we do not have a Justice System. This is what I am pursuing myself here in Alabama to get out into the open and expose the corrupt Justice System. I have had to represent myself but they showed me no considerations and instantly denied every single one of my motions, wouldn't listen to my arguments. My divorce went on a little over two years and when the final hearing day came I was ready. What the Judge did is put up barriers between her and me at my podium. Then she put an armed security guard directly in front of me and another one behind me. She told me I had 1 hour to try my case.  I told  the court, I'm going to need 5-days. This is a complicated case. Judge's next words were, "I suggest you get started, now you only have 57 minutes left. 

April 2024 is the latest comprehensive nationwide Prison population report by state and nationwide. This report showed Alabama leading the nation, by far, with the highest percentage per 1000 of its population behind bars. And it showed an increase in persons age 55 and older and it showed this same age group staying in jail longer than others that younger others charged with the same crime. Then 3-weeks ago our Governor just signed a bill authorizing additional Circuit Court Judges be added. 

Now, it finally makes sense to me why we have freedom of speech and most are afraid to speak it. I consider myself a 3rd tier target and the tier the Dark Forces are now focusing on. I have run my own business for 40+ years and carry some influence with a number of people up and down the economic ladder. I figure government employees were tier 1 and big corporations tier 2. Tier 4  is a lot bigger group so it makes more sense now why they need more judges. I bring this up to all who may read this and I'll say similar to what Jason says, "believe me, don't believe me, that is entirely up to you", but regardless of what you believe, be careful what you say, be as non-con-frontal as you can be and keep your eyes wide open. Gather as much info as  you can and hold on to it until after Trump takes back the White House. It's our only shot from what I can see, which is limited. There is one bright side to this, if we can get it made known it is happening and people start taking notice might very well be the quickest way to wake up America. I believe this reality to Americans opens the Door for ET's to the rescue without scaring American's into a coma. It is for this reason that this siege of America and the ET's stated they can't do anymore, it's up to humanity to be my driving force behind me getting this ET channel on as many airwaves as possible.

November 22

Yes,music is the proof that time is fluid ✨️🎶

November 22

So I just had a large raven fly and land on my ac looked right into my window while nursing my babygirl.... about 12:00pm est ... thoughts anyone

November 23
• Edited (Nov 23, 2024)

Addressing deception & deepfake defamation:: The Sherif Osman pedofile agenda!

This thread is called "Rabbit Holes" for a reson. I see 'Sherif' its your personal 'power spot', you've made it your home!

Only those of a super low iQ & virtually no real life experience would stand by you as you peddle countless 'holes' that contradict your previous claims! Which raises the question of your actual stance & your authenticity about why your really here, and who are you trying to decieve, & who are you trying to protect?

"You claim trumps dozen visits to Epstein island were part of a sting & the feds turned on their agreement with trump is what your random social media source posts that inspire as much truth in any accusation of an opinionated bias disinformation campainist would perform as a means of 'damage control'. And honestly i wish you stopped digging holes & pulling rabbits out of hats cos initially i thought we had a strong common interest despite your refusal of alternative opinions responded with your abuse! In order to exact true justice one must eliminate all connecting doubts. Thats logical investigative practice, & you hate that. Which permits me to ask; why in hell do your aid the decievers & accept the lies they enforce on you? Are you afraid that if you refuse, they will target you like they have me? Or are you a supports on the reverse narrative bandwagon? Also know as "the ship of fools" & desperates on a fools errand"!!!

Your above image says the Cabal will be arrested in they interfere with the election, now if they could be arrested they all ready would be. Now to a lesser of elites & serious crimes against minors. Where SPECIAL AGENT TRUMP 007 gathered years of intel, had eyes on the entirety of the sickening acts, & the players involved. More than sufficient evidence undoubtedly would have been acquired. So why was Epstein the only one arrested is the last significant question left in which to find a 'motive' for prosecution!

Filling the Rabbit Hole; We know the affiliates that control it all, (never publicly named) international waters & as i said "full immunity ". As for all the Hollywood heads & Corporate abusers & billionaire's. All have 1 thing in common, "influence"! Now the Corporation's & the Billionaire's grease the palms of all legalities & power (without them America would be poor!) They control the 'opinions' of politicians & the overlords kickbacks allow for corruption & coercive control of all national & federal agency heads. But thats only a rabbit hole half filled. Trumps involvement, if he was Jason Bourne on a top secret mission, then factor in the term "asset", theres your answer why only one person was charged. Since the deepstate & the democrats are using 50 dollar hitmen to assassinate him as you alledge, then its safe to say "only an idiot would fear the deepstate", or it was just another "Hollywood Stage show"!

Conclusion; If the deepstate control & oversee the agency involved "in this sting", then we can guarantee the grand controllers new he was an undercover agent, which makes him an asset, a loose end, a whistleblower! If that were the case then why haven't the deepstate killed (agent) Trump at anytime in all the years past where no victims ever have been acknowledged or mentioned once by you! The deepstate could have Trump falsely arrested & wacked in custody & call it an accident, poisoned him, sent a sting force, ah i mean strike force to kill him in his house & making it look like Lee Harvey Oswald did it!

Trump was allowed to live & still hang with his associates. Solid case Mr Osman, no holes there, thats sarcasm!
(I recommend a psychologist mate, what your doing or trying to sell here is war, a product only 'Karens' buy)!

Your friends who fill your ears & send you disinformation & deepfakes have been doing this to me for 22 years, as they have done unto thousands of others, cowardice defamatory! Its like i said ""ITS THE PRIESTS ACCUSING THE CHOIR BOY OF MISCONDUCT"'!! 😡🤬👹>💩


Being hacked right now!

November 18
November 07

Now that we are a couple days post Election.... How are you feeling about the future? Share below 👇

November 22


Note: Real events, warning contains graphic input.

Expand it & read it please..