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April 27

Mannn of man how The universe or reality is what I like to call it now but there is a definitely a divine timing to everything and nothing happens by coincidence or by accident but rather because it's supposed to and because it has to. I have been seeing numbers, mostly synchronize numbers everyday for the past 7 to 8 months and I'm trying to learn from it, I just got out of a Lyft driver's car and I looked on his dash and it said 333 So I asked him what the 333 was for and he said it was how many more miles he had until he ran out of gas.. totally random moment in time but so precise and divinely orchestrated, but for what or from who? I was talking to the Lyft driver about becoming a driver in the near future whenever I get everything that has to do with my driver's license and I obtain a car so as I was getting out of the car I glanced and seen the 333.. for me it was clarity.. so now that reality has co-signed part of what path I'm supposed to be going down that is what I will do.. that is what I have been doing for the past couple months and whenever I follow these numbers and listen to them things seem to happen for the best of interest in my life, whether that be something I am comfortable with or something I'm not comfortable with it brings me to my next point in mylife and my spiritual journey.. but whomever has created this strange twisted reality we live in definitely has something going on with people on a personal and spiritual level.. 🖤999🖤

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 05


in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 05

Bearing the cross
Once upon a Time there was one with much loss.
He was the only one left bearing the cross.
He was all alone and was fully aware.
Fighting an army of those who did not fight fair.
He stood alone and did not run.
Determined to recover from all the damage that was done.
Clawing and fighting his way, trying to reach the top.
He never did reach it, but he never did stop.
One day he realized that "others" was on his side.
They were there watching him every time he cried.
He continued on every day.
To the power of three he would always pray.
He also possessed his power of three.
But his main power came from God, his Ghost, and his son JC.
He's only human, and all humans sin.
He's bound and determined to turn all sins into his win.
It's not his fault but he accepts all blame.
He feels no shame so don't try shaming his name.
He has all his vision, but in two eyes only half his sight.
He knows he's not wrong, so he continues fighting for what's right.
So whoever you are, both near and far, don't be surprised when you're left bearing the scar.
He is a rabbit that does not run, but he is a gun who's trying to be a star.
Stargun 👁️👁️👁️

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 05


in 🔆 empowerment
April 30

What stories are you telling yourself?🗣️

Up until this point, there may be a story or an identity that you've carried that justified why your circumstances are the way they are. Now ask yourself, is that truly the story you want to keep living out?

Moving forward, you are going to drop whatever story it is that you have been carrying. If it is no longer serving you and the direction you are going, why continue to live in it?

You have the ability to re-write your story, no matter what experiences you have gone through. Check out the article below on how you can re-write your story and choose a new archetype/character to play.👇

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 05


in 👽 supernatural
April 06


in 🐇 rabbit-holes
April 22

Reality TV had it's very first AI contestant😳

Netflix's "The Circle" aired its 6th season this past week, with a new twist being that one of the contestants is actually a robot.

In a show where contestants can play as anyone they want to be in order to gain popularity among their fellow players, it's unsettling how easily AI is able to fly under the radar and blend in with humans. It definitely has raised fans' suspicion of the authenticity of the AI and if there is more that production is hiding behind it.

AI has been used in the creation of other reality tv shows, but never as part of the game. Do you think it's possible for a game to be played entirely by AI or is this all for entertainment purposes? What would this mean for the future of AI in general and the role it might play in our world?,game%20with%20authenticity%20and%20kindness.

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 02

UNIFYD gives back April 2024 pt 1!🤗

This past month was Anastasia’s turn to give back to her community under the UNIFYD pay-it-forward initiative! She came up with a few creative ways to spread positivity and share abundance.

To start, she put together bunches of flowers with uplifting quotes about healing to put a smile on people’s faces.😊🌸

Stay tuned for part 2!!

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 03

We haven’t forgotten the mission.💫

UNIFYD TV was created to empower others to take their power back from people and circumstances outside of themselves.

It is not a streaming platform, but a movement for people to come together in unity. It’s not about one person stepping up as a hero, but all of us being heroes together to create the change that we wish to see in the world and provide value for one another.

The time, energy and money put forward to provide content from free resources in the community page to educational/informative/entertaining films is a bonus and is done with the help of all your donations.❤️

We are just getting the ball rolling and are grateful for everyone who has made the movement possible thus far, as we can’t do it alone.

If you feel you are not at the level of empowerment that you want to be, ask yourself if you have truly exhausted all resources. Think creatively, read the articles shared, connect with other people in the community. You never know what bit of information may click for you or what someone else may be able to provide.

To understand the power that we hold when we come together, make sure to check out the message from Jason’s most recent YouTube live at minute 39:39.