
Aug 30 at 10:54 AM

Watch episode 6 of NATURE OF REALITY!!!

🤯🔬 What if the paranormal isn’t fiction but an extraordinary reality waiting to be explored? Learn from David Icke how paranormal phenomena challenge the boundaries of modern science in the newest episode release of NATURE OF REALITY on UNIFYD TV!

Watch here: https://unifyd.tv/programs/collection-larj_ski47q?cid=3315317&permalink=is-physical-reality-actually-holographic



Aug 28 at 10:41 AM

In this new class, you will be guided through breathing techniques that help balance the three upper chakras. Breathwork is a versatile tool that can have a holistic impact on your well-being. Incorporating regular breathwork into your daily routine, whether through meditation, yoga, or standalone practices, can help create a sense of balance and alignment among your mind, body, and spirit!
Practice now: https://unifyd.tv/programs/working-with-the-ether-chakras


Aug 27 at 04:47 PM

In the war on consciousness here on Earth, discover how old souls, lightworkers, and star seeds are raising collective awareness and ushering in the age of love! Explore the vast galactic assistance that's always been here for us. Learn about the role of Pleiadian med bed technology in elevating frequencies and healing during the ascension process in episode 2 of Portal to Pleiadians.

Watch it here:  https://unifyd.tv/programs/collection-oelbxlwkqcc?cid=3315412&permalink=first-contact



Aug 22 at 02:01 PM


Aug 20 at 05:02 PM


Aug 20 at 04:00 PM

Check out the New 5-Part Series, The Portal to the Pleiadians. New Episodes Drop Every Week!


Portal To The Pleiadians Tr...

Embark on a profound journey of awakening and cosmic...


Aug 17 at 04:21 PM

Embark on an emotionally captivating odyssey of self-discovery in this innovative docu-series that follows a group of people on a motorcycle pilgrimage through India’s Four Sacred Peaks. Witness their inspiring moments of self-realization, where they learn to embody their freedom and embrace the power of the human spirit and the interconnectedness of life.


The Road to Dharma Trailer ...



Aug 14 at 09:13 AM

🧘‍♀️ NEW on UNIFYD TV: Dive into the HEART chakra 💚 with our latest scalar yoga class! If you've been following this series, you've worked with the first three chakras, and now it's time to enter the HEART, the center of love, compassion, and connection! Join us for a yoga-inspired movement class and balance-seeking journey every other Monday, infused with EESystem technology. Start anytime, choosing the class that resonates with you most!
Download the UNIFYD TV app and PRACTICE anywhere, anytime: https://unifyd.tv/programs/collection-hlef4dpro_e


Aug 07 at 07:21 PM

Embark on a mind-expanding journey into the unseen dimensions of reality in ‘The Nature of Reality’ with the iconic David Icke. Uncover mysteries that challenge our understanding of who we are, where we are, and why we are here!  This knowledge, long suppressed, holds the key to setting us free.

Watch and chat with people around the world in the comment section under each episode! Let us know what you think <3

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Aug 03 at 07:01 PM

LIVE right now!! 👽🛸👀  A threat to global security or here for the good of humanity? Is what we're seeing even real? Let’s talk about it! Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for a chance to win $555 - winner announced tonight 🎉 Tune in at the link below! 
