lyra pure lioness

Canterbury, United Kingdom

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 17 at 08:00 PM

Thank you for letting me know the name, of one of my gifts, but I totally relate to all what you say, like your self I have a knowing, like I know I have known ray in a past life, or like when I listen to some of the people who have jumped on the spirital band wagon purely too make money,I do not know how but I just know when they are speaking BS. Ray I trust 98% which is often more than I trust myself. I have many gifts some that actually scare me. Yet I hope I will master them all with in time. I have another part to my soul and she does not live with in me now we were always together as a child, and I will unite with her again as I have been lost since my mum, made me take medication and she left. It did more damage than good it has taken me until my 40s to realise what and who I really am, i have been left with a zillion questions as well as a whole lot of knowledge yet know idea who I am meant to share it with. I left my self's messages to find in this life typed on a type write

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 17 at 07:40 PM

You should, write a book!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 17 at 07:02 PM


Sep 17 at 06:52 PM

Where does he say that.

Sep 17 at 06:51 PM

He was born in 1948 so shows just how little you know.. But my I suggest if this is not, for you yet, then cancel your subscription and move along, and when you are resdy, then You will know there to find this content. But if its such bs how has every thing that he could predict has come to pass. Last part they have found the ark of the covenant! Make love not war.


Darian Rodriguez  can’t help you financially, but could most definitely help you, to gain as much knowledge as possible, so you are no longer forced to conform to a corrupt system. but , which should help you gain control in your  Financial Freedom . Yeah of corse I will,  are you on Telegram or i’m on Patreon let me know which one is better for you. 

Sep 02 at 11:21 AM

I will say the only part I disagree with it’s about not faking it till you make it, you see where we are so conditioned to recondition ourselves in his new way of thinking we have to fake it till we make it to become the most amazing version of ourselves not the best the most magnificent I hope, you can agree with that,

Sep 02 at 11:16 AM

I hear you and I agree with some of what you say I sure thank you for sharing you did really well

I do offer past life readings if you’re interested.

Why would you pay them all that money when they paid less than a couple of hundred pound for that course to learn what I’ve learnt they didn’t learn any of it through, living it, they were taught it sorry but I’m only sharing knowledge, I can share their knowledge with you if you want where they learnt it from.